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GOING TO THE CATTLE SHOW About this time we began to hear raccoons, in the
early part of the night. There were numbers of these animals in the woods about
the farm; they had their retreats in hollow trees and sometimes came into the
corn fields. I first heard one while coming home from the Edwardses one
evening; the strange, quavering cry frightened me; for I imagined that it was
the cry of a "lucivee," concerning which the boys were talking a good
deal at this time. One was said to have attacked a farmer on the highway a
little beyond the Batchelder place. The animal leaped into the back part of the
man's wagon and fought savagely for possession of a quarter of beef. Repeated
blows from a whip-stock failed to dislodge it, till it had ridden for ten or
fifteen rods, when it leaped off the wagon, but followed, growling, for some
distance. As nearly as this man could judge, in the dim light of evening, the
animal was as large as a good-sized dog. The "lucivee," or loup-cervier,
is the lynx Canadensis, which ordinarily attains a weight of no more than
twenty-five pounds, but occasionally grows larger and displays great fierceness
and courage. I made haste home and calling Addison out, asked him
whether that strange cry which still issued at intervals from the woodland,
over towards the Aunt Hannah lot, was made by the much dreaded
"lucivee." He laughed and was disposed to play on my fears for a while,
but at length told me that it was nothing more savage than a 'coon. The wild
note had struck a singularly responsive fiber within me; and to this day I
never hear a raccoon's hollow cry at night, without a sudden recurrence of the
same eerie sensation. About this time we all became much interested in the
approaching Cattle Show, which was to be held at the Fair Grounds, near the
village, during the last week of September. Thomas bantered me strongly to
raise two dollars and go into partnership with him in an old horse which he
knew of and which he desired to buy and enter for the "slow race."
The horse could be purchased for three or four dollars and was so very stiff in
the knees as to be almost certain of winning the "slow race," thereby
securing a "purse" of ten dollars. What with Thomas' enthusiasm, this looked to me, at
the time, to be a very alluring investment. Tom had also another scheme for
winning the "purse" of the "scrub race," where every kind
of animal took the track at one and the same time. The Harland boys — where we
went to mill — owned a large mongrel dog that had been taught to haul a little
cart. He was known to be a fast runner; and Tom had intelligence that he was in
the market, at a price of two dollars. If we could secure him, there was little
doubt that the scrub-race purse would easily drop into our hats. I had to
confess to doubts whether the Old Squire would consent to my embarking in such
speculations. "But you needn't show in it," said Tom
quietly. "I'll do all the trading and keep them over at our barn."
The way being thus opened to a silent partnership, I began a canvass of all my
assets. Thomas was also intending to enter a colt and a yoke
of yearling steers for the premiums on those classes of animals. Addison
intended to enter one of the Old Squire's yokes of steers; and Tom acknowledged
to me that his own chance was slim on steers, since ours were the larger and
better-matched. Gram usually sent in one or more firkins of butter,
several cheeses and even loaves of bread and cake. The Old Squire exhibited
several head of cattle and sometimes his entire herd; also sheep, hogs and
poultry. Then there was always an extensive exhibit of apples, pears and
grapes, arranged on plates, as also seed-corn, wheat, barley, buckwheat, oats
and garden vegetables. We were occupied for fully a fortnight, that season,
gathering and preparing our various exhibits. In addition, Halstead and Addison expected to do a
flourishing business selling apples, pears and grapes; they also talked of
opening an eating booth on the Fair Grounds, with baked beans, cakes, pies and
hot coffee; and they had agreed with Theodora and Ellen to prepare the food
beforehand, and take a share in the profits. The previous fall they had sold
cider (moderately sweet) and done very well; but Addison had become so rigid a
temperance reformer, during the year, that he would not now deal in cider. This being my first season at the farm, I was not
included as a partner in these lucrative privileges, but expected to be
admitted to them all the following year. Meantime I intended to learn about it,
and expected to derive a great deal of pleasure from attending the coming
exhibition. There were to be numerous "attractions," besides the slow
race, and the scrub race, which was for any kind of animal that had legs and
could run except horses. I had finally raised two dollars to invest with Tom in
the old horse, named "Ponkus," previously alluded to, and by a hard
strain on my resources also became interested to the extent of another dollar
with him in "Tige," the cart dog, for the scrub race. The Fair Grounds were located near the neighboring
village, about seven miles distant from the Old Squire's, and consisted of a
large wooden building and a high fence, enclosing about thirty acres of land.
The admission fee was fifteen cents. The Fair continued three days: Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, of the last week of September. We set off at four o'clock of the opening day,
Addison, Halse, Thomas and I driving three ox-carts, loaded with farm products.
We had also to lead "Ponkus" and a two-year-old Hereford bull behind
the carts, and manage a yoke of Durham steers for the "town team;"
our progress was therefore slow and it was nine o'clock in the forenoon before
we arrived at the Grounds and had made a disposition of our various charges. A great crowd of people was pouring through the gate
of the enclosure. Fully four thousand people were already on the grounds; and a
gaudy array of "side shows" at once attracted our attention. There
were counters and carts for cider, gingerbread and confectionery. Loud-voiced
auctioneers were selling "patent medicines" and knickknacks of all
sorts. Close at hand, a snare drum and fife, inside a tent,
drew attention to "a rare and wonderful show of wild animals," which
the fakir at the door declared to consist of "a pair of bald eagles, two
panther cubs, a prairie wolf and Hindoo seal," and sometimes he said
"prairie wolf and Bengal tiger." Then there were rather disreputable fellows with
"whirl-boards" at "ten cents a whirl;" with
"ring-boards" at "five cents a pitch," and ten cents made
when you lodged the rings on the points. There was also a blind-fold professor
of phrenology, who examined heads at fifteen cents per cranium. In the crowd, too, were even less reputable fellows,
who sought to entrap rural youths into "betting on cards," and making
"rare bargains" in delusive watches. Altogether it was an animated
scene, for young eyes. Addison, Halse and Theodora were occupied with their "booth."
Ellen and Wealthy were with Gram in the Fair building, where the fruit and
dairy products had to be watched and presided over. The Old Squire was a member
of numerous committees on stock and other farm exhibits. We hardly caught sight
of him during the day. For my own part I kept with Thomas and "Tige,"
whose little wagon for racing we had brought down in one of the ox-carts. We
avoided the sharpers, for the good reason that we had very little money in our
pockets. We were cheated but once, by a youthful Philistine who had
"tumblers to break," suspended in a row by a string. We paid him ten cents, and standing off at a distance
of forty feet, threw a nicely-whittled club at the row of suspended glasses. If
we broke one, we were to receive twenty-five cents. The safety of the tumblers
lay in the extreme lightness of the clubs, which were of dry pine wood, much
lighter than their size indicated. Tom and I each threw the clubs twice. Not a
tumbler was injured. The proprietor called it a "game of skill;" but
it was nearer a game of swindling. But the slow race and scrub race were the features
that interested us most. In explanation I may say that a "slow race"
is not an uncommon attraction at a county fair. Usually the object in racing
horses is to exhibit speed; but the "slow race" is for the slowest
horse — the one which is longest in hobbling a mile. To prevent cheating, no
one is allowed to drive his own horse; if he enters for the race he must drive
a horse that has been entered by another person. Of course, under such conditions
each man drives over the track as quickly as he can, since it is for his
interest to do so. The "purse," or prize, at the Fair that fall was
ten dollars; that is to say, the man who entered the slowest old skeleton of a
horse, received ten dollars, together with the cheers and jeers of the crowd.
Public sentiment is now more humane and wholesome. What Thomas and I had in view was the ten dollars;
and we did not believe there was a horse in the county that could beat our old
"Ponkus" at going slow. There were no restrictions in the race. Anybody who
had a horse was at liberty to enter him for it. The time set for the race was
four o'clock in the afternoon. A little before that hour, Thomas drove Ponkus
on to the track, in an old "thoroughbrace" wagon. We found that as many as twelve different horses (or
wrecks of horses) had been entered for the race. It was an odd and
venerable-looking troop that drew up near the judge's stand, which was to be
the starting point. There was one horse with the "spring halt"
in both hind legs, and he lifted his feet nearly a yard high at every step.
There was another with three "spavins" and a "ring-bone" on
the remaining leg. Still another had the "heaves" so badly that its
breathing could be heard twenty rods away. In fact, every one had some ailment
or defect. The agents of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
had not yet made their way into our locality. The owners surveyed the rival nags with a critical
eye. The bystanders laughed and made bets. The horse with the "spring
halt," that lifted both hind legs so high, was the popular favorite at
first. But soon a fresh roar from the crowd told of the approach of another
"racer." A tin-peddler, with his cart and great bags of
paper-rags on top, came in. The first glimpse of the peddler's horse sent
dismay to the rest of us. Besides being utterly stiff-kneed and knock-kneed, it
was really nothing but a moving skeleton. Its hair looked as dead as that on a
South American cow-hide, and nearly every bone in its frame might have been
counted. The crowd shouted, "Room! Room there! Room for
old Rack-o'-bones! Don't breathe or he'll tumble down! Is he balky? Will he
kick? Check him up!" The peddler had been passing the Fair Grounds on his
way through the county, when some wag had hailed him and induced him to enter
his horse for the race. He was a little wiry man forty or fifty years old,
dressed in a soiled tweed coat and a boy's cloth cap. He wanted to drive his horse, harnessed as it was in
the tin-cart; but the rest of us cried out against it; he therefore took the
cart off the forward wheels, and strapped a salt-box to the axle, to sit on. It
was a queer sort of "sulky." There was not much to choose, however;
all the horses were in rickety wagons, or battered gigs. The drivers "changed over." They then got
the animals as nearly in line at the bar as possible, ready for the word
"Go." Just then it was discovered that one of the horses had a sharp
stone adroitly inserted in his shoe, so as to press up against the "frog"
of his foot, and still further cripple the poor beast. The judges promptly
excluded this horse, and reprimanded his owner. "Go!" was then shouted. And they went. The
crowd whooped and cheered and whistled. Such a strident chorus of
"Get-daps," "Geh-langs," "Hud-dups!" and such
frantic efforts to get those horses into a trot were never before seen or heard
in those parts! Each jostled and ran against others in his wild efforts to get
past his neighbors and rivals. One gig broke down, and the driver had to mount
on horseback; but he went the better for that, and got past all the rest.
Altogether, it was the noisiest, dustiest, most harum-scarum race that can be
imagined! They got around at last, the most of them, and began to look about.
The peddler's horse was not to be seen. "Where's Rack-o'-bones?" we asked each
other. The shouts and gesticulations of the spectators soon told us as to his
whereabouts. The peddler's horse had not yet got half way round! A snail
could have crawled almost as fast. The animal could not step more than six
inches at once, to save its life. The most amusing part of it to the crowd was that the
little peddler did not understand about the race, and thought that instead of
winning he was hopelessly beaten. It took the judges some minutes to make him
comprehend that he had won the race. His small, greedy, gray eyes shone when he
was given the ten dollars. "Don't envy him, boys," said one of the
judges. "The man is entitled to the pity of the entire assemblage for
owning or using such a horse." The slow race came off the first day; but our folks
attended the Fair, not only upon the following day, which was the principal
day, but on the third day also. We did not reach home at night till eight or
nine o'clock, and were astir and off again by five o'clock next morning; for we
had our stock at the Fair Grounds to look after. Gram had hired Aunt Olive
Witham to stay at the farm that week and keep house; and she not only kept
house, but kept the barn as well, and did all the milking for us. On the second day came the bona fide horse
trots, of great interest to all owning horses troubled with that dangerous
disease — speed. On the third and last day, a young fellow with a
cageful of dancing turkeys divided public attention about equally with a white-haired
and long-bearded man from Newfoundland who "ate glass tumblers,"
biting off and chewing up great mouthfuls of glass, as if it were a crust of
bread. Afterwards this same old Blue-nose fought with his own large
Newfoundland dog, using only his mouth, growling and snapping in such a
frightful way that it was hard telling which brute was the dog. But the final
and most exciting feature of the day, was the "scrub race," which
came off at four o'clock in the afternoon. In this race any and every animal was allowed to take
part, except horses. Men, boys, dogs harnessed into carts and carrying their
owners, cows, steers and goats, anything on four legs or two, could compete
except the genus equus. The prize was ten dollars to the winner, meaning
he, she or it, that first reached the judge's stand. An extra rail had been put
up in the fence enclosing the race-course, to keep the contestants on the track
and out of the crowd. Among the competitors were three men and about a
dozen boys. The interest of the spectators, however, centered on the
four-footed "racers." Among these was a little black and white
Canadian cow, with fawn-colored legs and slim black-tipped horns. This creature
was the property of a Frenchman, who could speak scarcely a word of English.
She was harnessed, like a horse, and dragged an old pair of wheels. Jinnay,
as her owner called her, galloped over the track at an astonishing speed. Then there was a boy with a stub-tailed, brindled
bulldog. The dog was harnessed into a little four-wheeled wagon, just big
enough for the driver to sit in. Another lad, in a two-wheeled cart, drove a
great, curly, shaggy Newfoundland dog. And still another boy drove a small,
stocky, reddish-yellow dog, of no particular breed. This latter dog had erect,
prick ears, and a very surly expression of countenance. His tail was apparently
as straight and stiff as a file. He answered to the name of Gub, and his master
to that of Jimmy Stirks. Then there was an old man with a large, mouse-colored
jackass, and another man with a mule. The mule, however, was ruled out by the
judges, on the ground that he had "horse-blood" in him. All in good time Tom drove in with our
"Tige." At the word "Go" from the judges, there was
a mad scratch for it. Men, boys, dogs, cows and donkey started over the course,
in most laughable confusion. Tige barked from pure delight at the uproar, as he
dashed on, swinging his great bushy tail. The Frenchman with his cow was the popular favorite.
Above all the din of the race, the voice of the little Canadian could be heard
screaming, "Mush daw! Mush daw!" as he plied his stick, and
sometimes, "Herret, Jinnay! Herret, twa sacre petite broot!"
In the height of the confusion, the jackass brayed. That was the final touch of
fun for the crowd. Tige might have won, if he had attended to his
business; but his delight seemed to be in barking, and chasing Jinnay. The
little yellow "chunked" dog, with the prick ears, on the contrary,
never turned to right or left, but shot like an arrow straight for his mark. How
those little cart-wheels did buzz! And he won the race by eight or ten rods,
leaving men, boys, and Jinnay behind. His owner was a proud boy that afternoon,
and a "great man" among his fellows; but Tom and I were somewhat
depressed. Addison took a premium with his yoke of yearling
Durham steers, much to the chagrin of Alfred Batchelder who had also entered a
pair for the prize. Alfred so far lost his temper as to talk outrageously to
Addison upon their way home, on the evening of the third day of the Fair, after
the awards had been announced. He alleged that the Old Squire, being on the
stock "committees," had given Addison the premium, unjustly. For he
thought (although no one else did) that his steers were the best on the
grounds. The charge was a baseless one; for the Old Squire was not a member of
the committee on steers that year, but only on oxen and horses. A ridiculous accident happened as the people were
coming home from the Fair that third night. There was a great deal to be drawn
home; and consequently a very long procession of carts and wagons was tailing
along the road, toward nightfall; also the cows and other cattle which had been
on exhibition. The Edwards family, the Wilburs, as also the Sylvesters and the
Batchelders, were well represented; and not only those from our immediate
neighborhood, but others from various places more remote. All were journeying
homeward along the highway beside the lake; not less than forty teams all told,
loaded with every variety of farm produce, also the farmers' wives and
children. It was very dusty, and horse teams were constantly
driving past the slower ox-carts, for some of the young fellows and a few of
the older ones were quite ready to show off the paces of their nags. After this
manner they went on, with here and there two or three teams cutting in ahead of
the slower ones, till the forward teams reached "Wilkins Hill," a
long, and in some places, quite steep ascent in the road about two miles from
the Old Squire's. Near the top of the hill Roscoe Batchelder — an older
brother of Alfred — who owned a "fast horse" and had been driving
past most of the other teams on the way home, overtook Willis Murch with his
ox-team, consisting of a yoke of oxen and a yoke of two-year-old steers. Willis
had started quite early from the Fair Grounds and hence, although driving
slowly, had secured a long start of the others. Just at the top of the hill,
Roscoe, with a cigar in his mouth, whipped up to drive past Willis, and feeling
fine from some cause or other, cracked his whip at the steers and gave a wild
yell as he dashed past! This startled the steers, unused to the excitements
of the road; they sprang forward with a jerk which somehow threw out or broke
the pin through the "sword" at the forward end of the cart body. With
that the cart tipped up, dumping the entire load into the road behind. Among
other farm produce in the cart were eight or ten huge yellow pumpkins. At the
Murch farm they always raised fine pumpkins and generally carried a few large
ones to the Fair. They cultivated a kind of cheese-shaped pumpkins which often
grew two feet in diameter, yellow as old gold. When these great pumpkins were tipped out they began
to roll down the hill. Immediately there arose a shout of trouble and dismay
from the teamsters below. Something very much like a stampede ensued; for the
pumpkins came bounding under the horses and oxen. One cart ran into the ditch
and upset. Alfred Batchelder's prize steers ran away and caught the hook of a
chain which they were dragging, into the wheel of a wagon belonging to the
Sylvesters, and upset it. There was a wreck of all the jelly and other prepared
fruits and preserves in it, Mrs. Sylvester being somewhat noted for her skill
in these particulars. It was said that the greatly grieved woman shed bitter
tears, then and there. Addison was driving our wagon home and had Gram and
all the girls in it. He was pretty well down toward the foot of the hill and
hearing the outcry farther up, jumped out and seized old Sol by the head, to
keep him from bolting. In consequence of this prudent manœuver our folks came
through the tumult uninjured and without damage. One pumpkin came rolling
directly down toward Addison; but by a dextrous kick he turned it aside. Halstead and I, who were driving oxen and carts, did
not fare quite as well; for the team in advance, belonging to the Edwardses,
backed down into us, and our cattle, running out into the ditch, spilled a part
of our loads, including our exhibits of apples and vegetables. Our case,
however, was not as bad as many of our neighbors, some of whom met with
considerable loss. We were occupied an hour or two gathering up the spilled
loads. So much for a youngster with a cigar in his mouth and
a glass or two of beer inside him. If an indignant community could have laid
hands on Roscoe Batchelder that night, he would have fared badly. Addison and Halse had done a tolerable business with
their cake, coffee and fruit stand. They cleared about seven dollars each above
expenses; and Theodora and Ellen received four dollars apiece for their
services as cooks. I was about the only one in the family who had not received
something in the way of premiums and profits. Both my ventures, in the
"slow race" and the "scrub race," had collapsed. The Old Squire
laughed at me when he heard of my efforts to capture prizes, and advised me to
try more creditable schemes in future. |