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From the respect paid to property flow, as from a
poisoned fountain, most of the evils and vices which render this world such a
dreary scene to the contemplative mind. For it is in the most polished society
that noisome reptiles and venomous serpents lurk under the rank herbage; and
there is voluptuousness pampered by the still sultry air, which relaxes every
good disposition before it ripens into virtue. One class presses on another, for all are aiming to
procure respect on account of their property; and property once gained will
procure the respect due only to talents and virtue. Men neglect the duties
incumbent on man, yet are treated like demigods. Religion is also separated
from morality by a ceremonial veil, yet men wonder that the world is almost,
literally speaking, a den of sharpers or oppressors. There is a homely proverb, which speaks a shrewd
truth, that whoever the devil finds idle he will employ. And what but habitual
idleness can hereditary wealth and titles produce? For man is so constituted
that he can only attain a proper use of his faculties by exercising them, and
will not exercise them unless necessity of some kind first set the wheels in
motion. Virtue likewise can only be acquired by the discharge of relative
duties; but the importance of these sacred duties will scarcely be felt by the
being who is cajoled out of his humanity by the flattery of sycophants. There
must be more equality established in society, or morality will never gain
ground, and this virtuous equality will not rest firmly even when founded on a
rock, if one-half of mankind be chained to its bottom by fate, for they will be
continually undermining it through ignorance or pride. It is vain to expect virtue from women till they are
in some degree independent of men; nay, it is vain to expect that strength of
natural affection which would make them good wives and mothers. Whilst they are
absolutely dependent on their husbands they will be cunning, mean, and selfish;
and the men who can be gratified by the fawning fondness of spaniel-like
affection have not much delicacy, for love is not to be bought; in any sense of
the words, its silken wings are instantly shrivelled up when anything beside a
return in kind is sought. Yet whilst wealth enervates men, and women live, as
it were, by their personal charms, how can we expect them to discharge those
ennobling duties which equally require exertion and self-denial? Hereditary
property sophisticates the mind, and the unfortunate victims to it — if I may
so express myself — swathed from their birth, seldom exert the locomotive
faculty of body or mind, and thus viewing everything through one medium, and
that a false one, they are unable to discern in what true merit and happiness
consist. False, indeed, must be the light when the drapery of situation hides
the man, and makes him stalk in masquerade, dragging from one scene of
dissipation to another the nerveless limbs that hang with stupid listlessness,
and rolling round the vacant eye, which plainly tells us that there is no mind
at home. I mean therefore to infer that the society is not
properly organised which does not compel men and women to discharge their
respective duties by making it the only way to acquire that countenance from
their fellow-creatures, which every human being wishes some way to attain. The
respect consequently which is paid to wealth and mere personal charms is a true
north-east blast that blights the tender blossoms of affection and virtue.
Nature has wisely attached affections to duties to sweeten toil, and to give
that vigour to the exertions of reason which only the heart can give. But the
affections which is put on merely because it is the appropriated insignia of a
certain character, when its duties are not fulfilled, is one of the empty
compliments which vice and folly are obliged to pay to virtue and the real
nature of things. To illustrate my opinion, I need only observe that
when a woman is admired for her beauty, and suffers herself to be so far
intoxicated by the admiration she receives as to neglect to discharge the
indispensable duty of a mother, she sins against herself by neglecting to
cultivate an affection that would equally tend to make her useful and happy.
True happiness — I mean all the contentment and virtuous satisfaction that can
be snatched in this imperfect state — must arise from well-regulated
affections, and an affection includes a duty. Men are not aware of the misery
they cause, and the vicious weakness they cherish, by only inciting women to
render themselves pleasing; they do not consider that they thus make natural
and artificial duties clash by sacrificing the comfort and respectability of a
woman's life to voluptuous notions of beauty, when in nature they all
harmonise. Cold would be the heart of a husband, were he not
rendered unnatural by early debauchery, who did not feel more delight at seeing
his child suckled by its mother than the most artful wanton tricks could ever
raise, yet this natural way of cementing the matrimonial tie, and twisting
esteem with fonder recollections, wealth leads women to spurn. To preserve
their beauty, and wear the flowery crown of the day, which gives them a kind of
right to reign for a short time over the sex, they neglect to stamp impressions
on their husbands' hearts that would be remembered with more tenderness when
the snow on the head began to chill the bosom than even their virgin charms.
The maternal solicitude of a reasonable affectionate woman is very interesting,
and the chastened dignity with which a mother returns the caresses that she and
her child receive from a father who has been fulfilling the serious duties of
his station is not only a respectable, but a beautiful sight. So singular,
indeed, are my feelings — and I have endeavoured not to catch factitious ones —
that after having been fatigued with the sight of insipid grandeur and the
slavish ceremonies that with cumbrous pomp supplied the place of domestic
affections, I have turned to some other scene to relieve my eye by resting it
on the refreshing green everywhere scattered by Nature. I have then viewed with
pleasure a woman nursing her children, and discharging the duties of her
station with perhaps merely a servant-maid to take off her hands the servile
part of the household business. I have seen her prepare herself and children,
with only the luxury of cleanliness, to receive her husband, who, returning
weary home in the evening, found smiling babes and a clean hearth. My heart has
loitered in the midst of the group, and has even throbbed with sympathetic
emotion when the scraping of the well-known foot has raised a pleasing tumult. Whilst my benevolence has been gratified by
contemplating this artless picture, I have thought that a couple of this
description, equally necessary and independent of each other, because each
fulfilled the respective duties of their station, possessed all that life could
give. Raised sufficiently above abject poverty not to be obliged to weigh the
consequence of every farthing they spend, and having sufficient to prevent
their attending to a frigid system of economy which narrows both mind, I
declare, so vulgar are my conceptions, that I know not what is wanted to render
this the happiest as well as the most respectable situation in the world, but a
taste for literature, to throw a little variety and interest into social
converse, and some superfluous money to give to the needy and to buy books. For
it is not pleasant when the heart is opened by compassion, and the head active
in arranging plans of usefulness, to have a prim urchin continually twitching
back the elbow to prevent the hand from drawing out an almost empty purse,
whispering at the same time some prudential maxim about the priority of
justice. Destructive, however, as riches and inherited honours
are to the human character, women are more debased and cramped, if possible, by
them than men, because men may still in some degree unfold their faculties by
becoming soldiers and statesmen. As soldiers, I grant they can now only gather
for the most part vain-glorious laurels, whilst they adjust to a hair the
European balance, taking especial care that no bleak northern nook or sound
incline the beam. But the days of true heroism are over, when a citizen fought
for his country like a Fabricius or a Washington, and then returned to his farm
to let his virtuous fervour run in a more placid, but not a less salutary,
stream. No, our British heroes are oftener sent from the gaming-table than from
the plough; and their passions have been rather inflamed by hanging with dumb
suspense on the turn of a die, than sublimated by panting after the adventurous
march of virtue in the historic page. The statesman, it is true, might with more propriety
quit the faro bank, or card-table, to guide the helm, for he has still but to
shuffle and trick — the whole system of British politics, if system it may
courteously be called, consisting in multiplying dependents and contriving
taxes which grind the poor to pamper the rich. Thus a war, or any wild-goose
chase, is, as the vulgar use the phrase, a lucky turn-up of patronage for the
minister. whose chief merit is the art of keeping himself in place. It is not
necessary then that he should have bowels for the poor, so he can secure for
his family the odd trick. or should some show of respect, for what is termed
with ignorant ostentation an Englishman's birthright, be expedient to bubble
the gruff mastiff that he has to lead by the nose, he can make an empty show,
very safely, by giving his single voice, and suffering his light squadron to
file off to the other side. And when a question of humanity is agitated, he may
dip a sop in the milk of human kindness to silence Cerberus, and talk of the
interest which his heart takes in an attempt to make the earth no longer cry
for vengeance as it sucks in its children's blood, though his cold hand may at
the very moment rivet their chains, by sanctioning the abominable traffic. A
minister is no longer a minister, than while he can carry a point, which he is
determined to carry. Yet it is not necessary that a minister should feel like a
man, when a bold push might shake his seat. But, to have done with these episodical observations,
let me return to the more specious slavery which chains the very soul of woman,
keeping her for ever under the bondage of ignorance. The preposterous distinctions of rank, which render
civilisation a curse, by dividing the world between voluptuous tyrants and
cunning envious dependents, corrupt, almost equally, every class of people,
because respectability is not attached to the discharge of the relative duties
of life, but to the station, and when the duties are not fulfilled the
affections cannot gain sufficient strength to fortify the virtue of which they
are the natural reward. Still there are some loop-holes out of which a man may
creep, and dare to think and act for himself; but for a woman it is an
herculean task, because she has difficulties peculiar to her sex to overcome,
which require almost superhuman powers. A truly benevolent legislator always endeavours to
make it the interest of each individual to be virtuous; and thus private virtue
becoming the cement of public happiness, an orderly whole is consolidated by
the tendency of all the parts towards a common centre. But the private or
public virtue of woman is very problematical, for Rousseau, and a numerous list
of male writers, insist that she should all her life be subjected to a severe
restraint, that of propriety. Why subject her to propriety — blind propriety — if
she be capable of acting from a nobler spring, if she be an heir of
immortality? Is sugar always to be produced by vital blood? Is one half of the
human species, like the poor African slaves, to be subject to prejudices that
brutalise them, when principles would be a surer guard, only to sweeten the cup
of man? Is not this indirectly to deny woman reason? for a gift is a mockery,
if it be unfit for use. Women are, in common with men, rendered weak and
luxurious by the relaxing pleasures which wealth procures; g but added to this
they are made slaves to their persons, and must render them alluring that man
may lend them his reason to guide their tottering steps aright. or should they
be ambitious, they must govern their tyrants by sinister tricks, for without
rights there cannot be any incumbent duties. The laws respecting woman, which I
mean to discuss in a future part, make an absurd unit of a man and his wife;
and then by the easy transition of only considering him as responsible, she is
reduced to a mere cipher. The being who discharges the duties of its station is
independent; and, speaking of women at large, their first duty is to themselves
as rational creatures, and the next, in point of importance, as citizens, is
that, which includes so many, of a mother. The rank in life which dispenses
with their fulfilling this duty, necessarily degrades them by making them mere
dolls. or should they turn to something more important than merely fitting
drapery upon a smooth block, their minds are only occupied by some soft
platonic attachment; or the actual management of an intrigue may keep their
thoughts in motion; for when they neglect domestic duties, they have it not in
their power to take the field and march and counter-march like soldiers, or
wrangle in the senate to keep their faculties from rusting. I know that, as a proof of the inferiority of the
sex, Rousseau has exultingly exclaimed, How can they leave the nursery for the
camp! And the camp has by some moralists been proved the school of the most heroic
virtues; though I think it would puzzle a keen casuist to prove the
reasonableness of the greater number of wars that have dubbed heroes. I do not
mean to consider this question critically; because, having frequently viewed
these freaks of ambition as the first natural mode of civilisation, when the
ground must be torn up, and the woods cleared by fire and sword, I do not
choose to call them pests; but surely the present system of war has little
connection with virtue of any denomination, being rather the school of finesse
and effeminacy than of fortitude. Yet, if defensive war, the only justifiable war, in
the present advanced state of society, where virtue can show its face and ripen
amidst the rigours which purify the air on the mountain's top, were alone to be
adopted as just and glorious, the true heroism of antiquity might again animate
female bosoms. But fair and softly, gentle reader, male or female, do not alarm
thyself, for though I have compared the character of a modern soldier with that
of a civilised woman, I am not going to advise them to turn their distaff into
a musket, though I sincerely wish to see the bayonet concerted into a
pruning-hook. I only re-created an imagination, fatigued by contemplating the
vices and follies which all proceed from a feculent stream of wealth that has
muddied the pure rills of natural affection, by supposing that society will
some time or other be so constituted, that man must necessarily fulfil the
duties of a citizen, or be despised, and that while he was employed in any of
the departments of civil life, his wife, also an active citizen, should be
equally intent to manage her family, educate her children, and assist her
neighbours. But to render her really virtuous and useful, she
must not, if she discharge her civil duties, want individually the protection
of civil laws; she must not be dependent on her husband's bounty for her
subsistence during his life, or support after his death; for how can a being be
generous who has nothing of its own? or virtuous who is not free? The wife, in
the present state of things, who is faithful to her husband, and neither
suckles nor educates her children, scarcely deserves the name of a wife, and
has no right to that of a citizen. But take away natural rights, and duties become
null. Women then must be considered as only the wanton
solace of men, when they become so weak in mind and body that they cannot exert
themselves unless to pursue some frothy pleasure, or to invent some frivolous
fashion. What can be a more melancholy sight to a thinking mind, than to look
into the numerous carriages that drive helter-skelter about this metropolis in
a morning full of pale-faced creatures who are flying from themselves! I have
often wished, with Dr. Johnson, to place some of them in a little shop with
half a dozen children looking up to their languid countenances for support. I
am much mistaken, if some latent vigour would not soon give health and spirit
to their eyes, and some lines drawn by the exercise of reason on the blank
cheeks, which before were only undulated by dimples, might restore lost dignity
to the character, or rather enable it to attain the true dignity of its nature.
Virtue is not to be acquired even by speculation, much less by the negative
supineness that wealth naturally generates. Besides, when poverty is more disgraceful than even
vice, is not morality cut to the quick? Still to avoid misconstruction, though
I consider that women in the common walks of life are called to fulfil the
duties of wives and mothers, by religion and reason, I cannot help lamenting
that women of a superior cast have not a road open by which they can pursue
more extensive plans of usefulness and independence. I may excite laughter, by
dropping an hint, which I mean to pursue, some future time, for I really think
that women ought to have representatives, instead of being arbitrarily governed
without having any direct share allowed them in the deliberations of
government. But, as the whole system of representation is now, in
this country, only a convenient handle for despotism, they need not complain,
for they are as well represented as a numerous class of hard-working mechanics,
who pay for the support of royalty when they can scarcely stop their children's
mouths with bread. How are they represented whose very sweat supports the
splendid stud of an heir-apparent, or varnishes the chariot of some female
favourite who looks down on shame? Taxes on the very necessaries of life,
enable an endless tribe of idle princes and princesses to pass with stupid pomp
before a gaping crowd, who almost worship the very parade which costs them so
dear. This is mere gothic grandeur, something like the barbarous useless parade
of having sentinels on horseback at Whitehall, which I could never view without
a mixture of contempt and indignation. How strangely must the mind be sophisticated when
this sort of state impresses it! But, till these monuments of folly are
levelled by virtue, similar follies will leaven the whole mass. For the same
character, in some degree, will prevail in the aggregate of society; and the
refinements of luxury, or the vicious repinings of envious poverty, will
equally banish virtue from society, considered as the characteristic of that
society, or only allow it to appear as one of the stripes of the harlequin
coat, worn by the civilised man. In the superior ranks of life, every duty is done by
deputies, as if duties could ever be waived, and the vain pleasures which
consequent idleness forces the rich to pursue, appear so enticing to the next
rank, that the numerous scramblers for wealth sacrifice everything to tread on
their heels. The most sacred trusts are then considered as sinecures, because
they were procured by interest, and only sought to enable a man to keep good
company. Women, in particular, all want to be ladies. Which is simply to have
nothing to do, but listlessly to go they scarcely care where, for they cannot
tell what. But what have women to do in society? I may be asked,
but to loiter with easy grace; surely you would not condemn them all to suckle
fools and chronicle small beer! No. Women might certainly study the art of
healing, and be physicians as well as nurses. And midwifery, decency seems to
allot to them, though I am afraid, the word midwife, in our dictionaries, will
soon give place to accoucheur, and one proof of the former delicacy of the sex
be effaced from the language. They might also study politics, and settle their
benevolence on the broadest basis; for the reading of history will scarcely be
more useful than the perusal of romances, if read as mere biography; if the
character of the times, the political improvements, arts, etc., be not
observed. In short, if it be not considered as the history of man; and not of
particular men, who filled a niche in the temple of fame, and dropped into the
black rolling stream of time, that silently sweeps all before it into the
shapeless void called — eternity. — For shape, can it be called, "that
shape hath none"? Business of various kinds, they might likewise
pursue, if they were educated in a more orderly manner, which might save many
from common and legal prostitution. Women would not then marry for a support,
as men accept of places under Government, and neglect the implied duties; nor
would an attempt to earn their own subsistence, a most laudable one! sink them
almost to the level of those poor abandoned creatures who live by prostitution.
For are not milliners and mantua-makers reckoned the next class? The few
employments open to women, so far. from being liberal, are menial; and when a
superior education enables them to take charge of the education of children as
governesses, they are not treated like the tutors of sons, though even clerical
tutors are not always treated in a manner calculated to render them respectable
in the eyes of their pupils, to say nothing of the private comfort of the
individual. But as women educated like gentlewomen, are never designed for the
humiliating situation which necessity sometimes forces them to fill; these
situations are considered in the light of a degradation; and they know little
of the human heart, who need to be told, that nothing so painfully sharpens
sensibility as such a fall in life. Some of these women might be restrained from marrying
by a proper spirit of delicacy, and others may not have had it in their power
to escape in this pitiful way from servitude; is not that Government then very
defective, and very unmindful of the happiness of one-half of is members, that
does not provide for honest, independent women, by encouraging them to fill
respectable stations? But in order to render their private virtue a public
benefit, they must have a civil existence in the State, married or single; else
we shall continually see some worthy woman, whose sensibility has been rendered
painfully acute by undeserved contempt, droop like "the lily broken down
by a plowshare." It is a melancholy truth; yet such is the blessed
effect of civilisation! the most respectable women are the most oppressed; and,
unless they have understandings far superior to the common run of
understandings, taking in both sexes, they must, from being treated like
contemptible beings, become contemptible. How many women thus waste life away
the prey of discontent, who might have practised as physicians, regulated a
farm, managed a shop, and stood erect, supported by their own industry, instead
of hanging their heads surcharged with the dew of sensibility, that consumes
the beauty to which it at first gave lustre; nay, I doubt whether pity and love
are so near akin as poets feign, for I have seldom seen much compassion excited
by the helplessness of females, unless they were fair; then, perhaps, pity was
the soft handmaid of love, or the harbinger of lust. How much more respectable is the woman who earns her
own bread by fulfilling any duty, than the most accomplished beauty! — beauty
did I say! — so sensible am I of the beauty of moral-loveliness, or the
harmonious propriety that attunes the passions of a well-regulated mind, that I
blush at making the comparison; yet I sigh to think how few women aim at
attaining this respectability by withdrawing from the giddy whirl of pleasure,
or the indolent calm that stupefies the good sort of women it sucks in. Proud of their weakness, however, they must always be
protected, guarded from care, and all the rough toils that dignify the mind. If
this be the fiat of fate, if they will make themselves insignificant and
contemptible, sweetly to waste "life away," let them not expect to be
valued when their beauty fades, for it is the fate of the fairest flowers to be
admired and pulled to pieces by the careless hand that plucked them. In how
many ways do I wish, from the purest benevolence, to impress this truth on my
sex; yet I fear that they will not listen to a truth that dear bought
experience has brought home to many an agitated bosom, nor willingly resign the
privileges of rank and sex for the privileges of humanity, to which those have
no claim who do not discharge its duties. Those writers are particularly useful, in my opinion,
who make man feel for man, independent of the station he fills, or the drapery
of factitious sentiments. I then would fain convince reasonable men of the
importance of some of my remarks; and prevail on them to weigh dispassionately
the whole tenor of my observations. I appeal to their understandings; and, as a
fellow-creature, claim, in the name of my sex, some interest in their hearts. I
entreat them to assist to emancipate their companion, to make her a helpmeet
for them. Would men but generously snap our chains, and be
content with rational fellowship instead of slavish obedience, they would find
us more observant daughters, more affectionate sisters, more faithful wives,
more reasonable mothers — in a word, better citizens. We should then love them
with true affection, because we should learn to respect ourselves; and the
peace of mind of a worthy man would not be interrupted by the idle vanity of
his wife, nor the babes sent to nestle in a strange bosom, having never found a
home in their mother's. |