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BY the traveller
seamanship and navigation are too often confounded. Navigation in brief is the
conducting of the ship as it were along a certain preconceived path or track
of the ocean, from port to port. Seamanship, on the other hand, whether in the
old sailing ship or the modern steamship, includes the general care and labour
given towards keeping the ship in seaworthy condition and the command and
control of the men exercised by the officers in each department, in order to
insure, as far as possible, the safe and quick prosecution of the voyage. The COMMANDER, or
Captain, as he is still often called, is the absolute authority, whether civil
or naval, on board ship, and may demand the entire compliance of the passengers
and crew alike should he require it. He is responsible for the safe and
efficient navigation of the ship, as well as for the proper performance of the
duties of the officers under him; for the internal discipline down to the
humblest member of the forecastle or the stoke-hold, and for the comfort and
satisfaction of the passengers as well. The CHIEF OFFICER
is generally charged with the entire responsibility of the care and upkeep of
the ship; and though he may sometimes stand watches With the junior officers,
it is usually the Second, Third and Fourth officers who, dividing the time
amongst them, are the real navigators of the ship, and who keep it on the
courses and under the speed set down by the captain, who, however, usually
confers with the officer then on duty. Whether at sea or
in port, one of the officers must always be on duty in charge of the ship, his
proper station being, in the former case, the upper bridge. The officer on duty
is strictly forbidden, by an obvious necessity, to enter into conversation, but
should give his whole and undivided attention to his Work, If in the execution
of his duties he should have arty reason to anticipate the arising of any
immediate risk or danger to the ship from the course upon which she is being
steered, he is required to take action at once upon his own initiative and to
send word of the Whole circumstances at once to the captain. Every such
officer on duty is further forbidden to go below until his watch is ended, and
indeed even then, unless he is relieved by the officer whose watch next
succeeds his own. It should be added
here that passengers are never allowed on the bridge, or in the wheel or
chart-house. With regard to the
SURGEON, the rule in the case of most companies is that they do not forbid
their surgeons to accept any honoraria
spontaneously offered them, but at the same time it must not be forgotten that
they are not entitled to any sort of fee for their services, Which should be
rendered entirely free of charge to all sections of the community alike. The PURSER may be
called the "business manager" of the ship. In conjunction With the
Chief Steward, he contracts for the ship's supplies, and supervises the various
duties connected with clerical work and accounts. The CHIEF STEWARD
has charge of the details for messing and berthing the passengers and crew, and
might be best described as a "Maître d'Hotel," in charge of the corps
of bedroom and table stewards, cooks and bakers. Divine service is
held in the saloon on Sunday morning, the Commander (or some clergyman among
the passengers of whom he may ask the favour) officiating. Inspection of all
parts of the ship usually takes place daily at 11 a.m., by the Commander,
Surgeon, Purser and Chief Steward. The Captain,
Officers and Stewards are alike required to show all possible attention and
courtesy to passengers on board and to afford all possible assistance to them
when entering or leaving the ship. They are also required to see that the crew
interfere as little as possible, when performing their duties, With the
passengers' comfort. On the other hand there is to be no familiarity between
the passengers and the officers which might be in any way prejudicial to the
maintenance of good discipline, this last being a point to which the Captain is
especially required to attend. Officers on duty should be courteous enough to
give a polite reply to questions which may be addressed to them by passengers,
but are strictly forbidden to converse with them. On the modern ocean
liner the traveller feels at once that he is in an admirably appointed and
well-disciplined vessel, in which the elements of speedy locomotion, safety and
comfort, together with the appliances and attendance of a first-class hotel are
combined and placed at his command, at an expense which is small indeed
compared with hotel life in most large cities. Freed for the time being from
the worry of daily letters and telegrams, he enjoys an ideal existence, if the
weather is fine; and if it is not he has under the same roof (as it were)
nearly all the social attractions of a large hotel at a tourist resort. It is generally
conceded that sea air, healthful and invigorating as it is, and conducive to
appetite, does not tend to encourage mental labour or study, hence the lightest
and most whimsical of literature is that best suited to steamer requirements.
In the Ship's Library is usually found a good selection of the Works of
standard and popular novelists, but as it can hardly be expected that the
company would at once put on its shelves the latest sensation of the day, it is
as Well to remind the voyager that a fair supply of magazines and a
paper-covered novel or two are sure to be found useful. It has been said by
some unappreciative person that only six occupations could be indulged in at
sea — eating, drinking, sleeping, flirting, quarrelling and grumbling. To these
he might have added smoking — of all seven we get each day, no doubt, quite an
abnormal share. Some energetic
persons usually form themselves into an Amusement Committee, to seek out the
latent musical or histrionic talents of their fellow-voyagers and turn them to
the general amusement and edification. Deck Quoits and Shuffle Board still hold
their own in seasonable weather on deck, and the tug-of-war and the egg and
spoon race still serve to amuse. Each day as the
hour of noon approaches there reigns a mild excitement, which is caused by
speculation as to the length of the ship's "run" during the previous
twenty-four hours; the number of miles to be posted on the chart being the raison d'être of the smoking-room
"pool." With the view of
increasing the security of the voyage, and of lessening the risks of collision,
the steamships of the trans-Atlantic lines follow certain prescribed courses
outward and homeward, the more northerly of which is to be followed in summer,
and the more southerly in winter, though in neither case do the ships follow in
the same "lane" going east or West, but are always on separate
tracks, in some places one hundred or more miles apart. A vigilant and careful Watch is kept by the officers on the bridge at all times of the day and night, and in foggy or thick weather a look-out is also posted in the crow's nest on the foremast. The boats are given constant care and attention, and are at all times ready to be launched at a moment's notice. They are manned by a crew and in charge of an officer according to a list posted in a conspicuous place in the crew's quarters, and the utmost care is taken that each and every member of the crew fully knows his particular station and his duty in case of any emergency, such as fire, collision or running on shore, for all of which there are special "drills" and inspections. The crew is usually mustered on deck, in clean clothes, on Sunday morning, and boat drill often takes place at sea, where it may be watched by the passengers. A ship
"rolls" when the port (left) and starboard (right) sides of it rise
and fall alternately: until the addition of the modern "bilge keel"
or "rolling chock," steamships were wont to roll more than sailing
vessels. "Pitching" is the plunging of ships lengthwise into the
sea's trough, and "scending" is a sort of combination of pitching and
rolling. Modern steamers
carry little or no sail, their masts and yards, when they have any, being used
merely for signalling purposes and for rigging the tackle for handling cargo. The rudder swings
upon the stern-post, and to its head is attached the tiller, which in all large
steamers is controlled, with the aid of steam or hydraulic gear, by the
wheelman on the bridge forward, under supervision of an officer in charge. In
the event of anything happening to the rudder, it is possible to rig up a
substitute by towing astern a spar, from each end of which a line is passed to
the stern of the ship. When either of these lines are drawn inboard the action
is, to a certain extent, analogous to that accomplished by the rudder. A ship's anchors
are of various kinds, and are used to perform various duties. The "stream
anchor" is for light and quick work and for any sudden emergency; the
"sheet anchor" is a spare anchor; the two "bower" (i.e.
"bow") anchors are kept at the bows for ordinary work, and to them
are attached the cables (or, more usually, the chains) which are run through
the "hawse holes" out of the chain lockers. At sea the anchors
are lashed on deck, at the bows, ready for use the moment they may be required.
When wanted they are "unstowed" and at the right moment "let
go"; as soon as the requisite amount of cable or chain has been run out,
it is "bitted" or made fast, and the ship is allowed to swing with
the tide. When an anchor is
" weighed," the cable is first drawn in by means of winch or
windlass. When first the anchor breaks away from bottom it is said to be
"apeak," when it reaches the surface "a-wash," and when
finally brought to its place at the bows, the order is given to seize or
"eat and fish" — which means that it is to be lifted inboard and
stowed in its usual place. A vessel is
"moored" when it is made fast to buoys or any stationary mooring, or
when two anchors are made use of at the same time. Aids to Memory in
Four Verses by the late Mr. Thomas Gray, C.B. (1.) Two Steam Ships meeting. When both
side-lights you see ahead —
Port your helm and show your RED. (2.) Two Steam Ships passing. GREEN to
GREEN — or, RED to RED —
Perfect safety — go ahead! (3.) Two
Steam Ships crossing. Note. — This
is the position of greatest danger; there is nothing for it but good
look-out, caution and judgment. If to your
starboard RED appear,
It is your duty to keep clear; To act as judgment says is proper; To Port — or Starboard — Back — or Stop her! But when upon your Port is seen A Steamer's Starboard Light of GREEN, There's not so much for you to do, For GREEN to Port keeps clear of you. (4.) All Ships must keep a good look-out, and Steam Ships
must stop and go astern, if necessary. Both in
safety and in doubt
Always keep a good look-out; In danger, with no room to turn, Ease her, Stop her, Go astern. The general rule of
the road at sea for steamers is the same as for foot-passengers in towns. Under
ordinary circumstances two steamers meeting face to face, or so near as to
involve risk, have to "port," that is, to keep to the right and pass
one another on the left. When crossing, the
steamer that has another on her own right-hand side has to get out of the way.
No collision can happen between two passing ships whilst a Green light is
opposed to a Green light or a Red to Red. A steamer gives way
to a sailing ship. PORT is the
left-hand side of a ship looking to the bow, and is denoted at night by a red
light. STARBOARD is the
right-hand side, and is denoted after dark by a green light. Navigation or piloting
has always been roughly divided into (1) Common Piloting, which consists in
coasting along shore, or within sight of land, and (2) Proper Piloting, which
consists in navigating, out of sight of land, by the aid of the celestial
bodies. For the deep sea
"navigator" it is always of the first importance that he should know
the exact position of his ship on the surface of the globe, as regards latitude
and longitude. Latitude is his exact distance north or south of the Equator.
Longitude is his exact distance east or west of the meridian of Greenwich. The
degrees of latitude, of which there are ninety between the pole and the
equator, are measured on the meridians, and are equal to each other. The
degrees of longitude, unlike those of latitude, vary according to the latitude
in which they are reckoned. |