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Being a TRUE ACCOUNT of some of the RECENT ADVENTURES beyond the STYX of the late HIERONYMUS CARL FRIEDRICH, sometime BARON MUNCHAUSEN of BODENWERDER, as originally reported for the SUNDAY EDITION of the GEHENNA GAZETTE by its SPECIAL INTERVIEWER the late Mr. ANANIAS formerly of JERUSALEM and now first transcribed from the columns of that JOURNAL by JOHN KENDRICK BANGS Embellished with Drawings by Peter Newell ![]() MR. MUNCHAUSEN ![]() Boston: Printed for Noyes, Platt & Company and published by them at their offices in the Pierce Building in Copley Square, A.D. 1901 Copyright, 1901, by Noyes, Platt & Company, (Incorporated) Entered at Stationers' Hall The lithographed illustrations are printed in eight colours by George H. Walker and Company, Boston Press of Riggs Printing and Publishing Co. Albany, N. Y., U. S. A. In order
that there may be no misunderstanding as to the why and the wherefore
of this
collection of tales it appears to me to be desirable that I should at
outset state my reasons for acting as the medium between the spirit of
the late
Baron Munchausen and the reading public. In common with a large number
of other
great men in history Baron Munchausen has suffered because he is not
understood. I have observed with wondering surprise the steady and
growth of the idea that Baron Munchausen was not a man of truth; that
statements of fact were untrustworthy, and that as a realist he had no
whatsoever. Just how this misconception of the man's character has
arisen it
would be difficult to say. Surely in his published writings he shows
that same
lofty resolve to be true to life as he has seen it that characterises
the work
of some of the high Apostles of Realism, who are writing of the things
will teach future generations how we of to-day ordered our goings-on.
The note
of veracity in Baron Munchausen's early literary venturings rings as
clear and
as true certainly as the similar note in the charming studies of Manx
Realism that
have come to us of late years from the pen of Mr. Corridor
Walkingstick, of
Gloomster Abbey and London. We all remember the glow of satisfaction
with which
we read Mr. Walkingstick's great story of the love of the clergyman,
John Stress,
for the charming little heroine, Glory Partridge. Here was something at
that rang true. The picture was painted in the boldest of colours, and,
regardless of consequences to himself, Mr. Walkingstick dared to be
real when
he might have given rein to his imagination. Mr. Walkingstick was,
lifted up by popular favour to the level of an apostle — nay, he even
the soft impeachment — and now as a moral teacher he is without a rival
in the
world of literature. Yet the same age that accepts this man as a moral
rejects Baron Munchausen, who, in different manner perhaps, presented
to the
world as true and life-like a picture of the conditions of his day as
that given
to us by Mr. Walkingstick in his deservedly popular romance,
I have Met." Of course, I do not claim that Baron Munchausen's stories
bulk or in specified instances, have the literary vigour that is so
marked a
quality of the latter-day writer, but the point I do wish to urge is
that to
accept the one as a veracious chronicler of his time and to reject the
other as
one who indulges his pen in all sorts of grotesque vagaries, without
proper regard
for the facts, is a great injustice to the man of other times. The
arises, why is this? How has this wrong upon the worthy realist of the
eighteenth century been perpetrated? Is it an intentional or an
wrong? I prefer to believe that it is based upon ignorance of the
Baron's true
quality, due to the fact that his works are rarely to be found within
the reach
of the public: in some cases, because of the failure of librarians to
comprehend his real motives, his narratives are excluded from Public
and Sunday-School
libraries; and because of their extreme age, they are not easily again
into vogue. I have, therefore, accepted the office of intermediary
between the
Baron and the readers of the present day, in order that his later work,
while it shows to a marked degree the decadence of his literary powers,
may yet
serve to demonstrate to the readers of my own time how favourably he
compares with
some of the literary idols of to-day, in the simple matter of fidelity
to fact.
If these stories which follow shall serve to rehabilitate Baron
Munchausen as a
lover and practitioner of the arts of Truth, I shall not have made the
sacrifice of my time in vain. If they fail of this purpose I shall
still have
the satisfaction of knowing that I have tried to render a service to an
and defenceless man. Meanwhile I dedicate this volume, with sentiments of the highest regard, to that other great realist MR. CORRIDOR WALKINGSTICK
of GLOOMSTER ABBEY J. K. B. Contents
I. I Encounter the Old Gentleman II. The Sporting Tour of Mr. Munchausen III. Three Months in a Balloon IV. Some Hunting Stories for Children V. The Story of Jang VI. He Tells the Twins of Fire-Works VII. Saved by a Magic Lantern VIII. An Adventure in the Desert IX. Decoration Day in the Cannibal Islands X. Mr. Munchausen's Adventure with a Shark XI. The Baron as a Runner XII. Mr. Munchausen Meets His Match XIII. Wriggletto XIV. The Poetic June-Bug, Together with Some XV. A Lucky Stroke List of Illustrations Portrait of Mr. Munchausen "There was the whale, drawn by magnetic influence to the side of The Lyre" "As their bullets got to their highest point and began to drop back, I reached out and caught them" "I got nearer and nearer my haven of safety, the bellowing beasts snorting with rage as they followed" "Jang buzzed over and sat on his back, putting his sting where it would do the most good" "Out of what appeared to be a clear sky came the most extraordinary rain storm you ever saw" "'I am your slave,' he replied to my greeting, kneeling before me, 'I yield all to you'" "I reached the giraffe, raised myself to his back, crawled along his neck and dropped fainting into the tree" "They were celebrating Decoration Day, strewing flowers on the graves of departed missionaries" "I laughed in the poor disappointed thing's face, and with a howl of despair he rushed back into the sea" "This brought my speed down ten minutes to the mile which made it safe for me to run into a haystack" "At the first whoop Mr. Bear jumped ten feet and fell over backward on the floor" "He used to wind his tail about a fan and he'd wave it to and fro by the hour" "Most singular of all was the fact that, consciously or unconsciously, the insect had butted out a verse" "Again I swung my red-flagged brassey in front of the angry creature's face, and what I had hoped for followed" |