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[Page numbers here refer
to the original print edition of 1894 which was used to create this
--- Jeff Kelley, editor and webmaster] INDEX. Alligator, 131, 146. Azalea, 172, 206, 216. Baptisia, 206. Beggar’s-ticks, 27. Blackberry, 27, 29, 117, 152, 163, 217. Blackbird, red-wing, 97, 106, 134, 145, 147, 161, 167. Bladderwort, 29. Bluebird, 4, 115, 147, 170, 218. Blue-eyed Grass, 30. Butterworts, 27, 28, 29, 173. Buzzard, turkey, 20, 36, 38, 66, 126, 128, 145. Calopogon, 125. Carrion Crow (Black Vulture), 40, 134, 191. Catbird, 65, 233. Cedar-bird, 80. Cedar, red, 90. Chat, yellow-breasted, 226. Cherokee Rose, 125, 165, 172, 201, 206. Cherry, wild, 175. Chewink (Towhee): — red-eyed, 65, 167, 218, 227, 234. white-eyed, 5, 65, 115, 227. Chickadee, Carolina, 21, 97, 218, 224. Chimney Swift, 209. Chuck-will’s-widow, 96. Clematis Baldwinii, 125. Clover, buffalo, 191. Cloudberry, 29. Coot (Fulica americana), 134. Coquina Clam, 55. Coreopsis, 30. Cormorant, 66, 78, 124, 134, 145. Crab-apple, 172. Creeper, black-and-white, 97, 218. Cross-vine, 172. Crow, 5, 35, 37, 100,14,124. Cuckoo, yellow-billed, 176, 222. Cypress-tree, 127. Dabchick, 124, 128, 134,145. Dove: — Carolina, 147. ground, 65, 147, 218, 226. Duck, wood, 222. Eagle, bald, 43, 79,143, 145. Egret: — great white, 76. little white, 75. Fish-hawk, 42, 44, 79, 116, 127, 143, 147. Flicker (Golden-winged Woodpecker), 4, 65, 81, 106. Flowering Dogwood, 172, 206, 216. Flycatchers: — Acadian, 224. crested, 153, 224. kingbird, 176, 190, 191, 227. phoebe, 8, 65, 81. wood pewee, 170, 234. Fringe-bush, 206, 216. Frogs, 185. Gallinule: — Florida, 132, 217, 228. purple, 137, 139. Gannet, 46. Gnatcatcher, blue-gray, 224. Golden club, 27. Goldenrod, 26. Grackle, boat-tailed, 107, 124, 145. Grebe, pied-billed, 124, 128, 134, 145. Grosbeak: — cardinal, 64, 81, 114, 118, 166, 176, 191, 212, 218, 226, 234. blue, 187, 191, 224. Gull — Bonaparte’s, 48. ring-billed, 49. Hawk: — fish, 42, 44, 79, 116, 127, 143, 147. marsh, 36, 38, 176, 213. red-shouldered, 106, 115, 218, 227. sparrow, 76, 169. swallow-tailed, 138. Heron: — great blue, 35, 36, 39, 50, 70, 107, 134, 145, 190, 217. great white (or Egret), 76. green, 76, 107, 133, 181. little blue, 74, 107, 134, 145, 181, 218. Louisiana, 74, 75, 107, night (black-crowned), 133, 145. Honeysuckle: — scarlet, 172. white, 151, 172. Houstonia, round-leaved, 26, 82, 105, 116. Humming-bird, ruby-throated, 114, 118, 153. Hypoxis, 27. Iris versicolor, 29, 112, 139. Jay: — Florida, 61. Florida blue, 62, 153. Judas-tree, 27. Killdeer Plover, 39, 78. Kingbird, 176, 190, 191, 227. Kingfisher, 6, 36, 39, 145, 147. Kinglet, ruby-crowned, 81, 153, 170, 214, 233. Kite, fork-tailed, 138. Krigia, 27. Lantana, 151, 172. Lark, meadow, 6, 145, 183. Leptopoda, 30. Live-oak, 96, 104. Lizards, 115. Lobelia Feayana, 30. Loggerhead Shrike, 5, 111, 123, 177, 190, 191, 200, 218. Lygodesmia, 125. Martin, purple, 65,124, 145, 147, 158, 176. Maryland Yellow-throat, 116, 218, 227. Mocking-bird, 4, 64, 81, 123, 167, 170, 176, 191, 210, 212, 218, 232, 234. Mullein, 27. Myrtle Bird. See Warbler. Night-hawk, 176. Nuthatch, brown-headed, 6, 106, 218. Orange, wild, 87, 105. Oriole, orchard, 177, 183, 191, 194, 200, 226, 234. Osprey. See Fish-Hawk. Oven-bird, 80. Oxalis, yellow, 26, 37, 81, 152. Papaw, 125. Paroquet, 147. Partridge-berry, 105. Pelican: — brown, 47. white, 66. Persimmon, 175. Phoebe, 8, 65, 81. Pipewort, 30. Poison Ivy, 116. Poppy, Mexican, 152. Quail, 115, 118, 167, 176, 218, 227, 234. Rail: Carolina, 217. clapper, 98. king, 138. Redbird (Cardinal Grosbeak), 64, 81,114, 118, 166, 176, 191, 212, 218, 224, 226, 234. “Ricebird,” 161. Robin, 4. Salvia lyrata, 82. Sanderling, 49, 59. Sandpiper: — solitary, 181, 191. spotted, 35, 78. Sassafras, 175. Schrankia, 125. Senecio, 139. Shrike, loggerhead, 5, 111, 177, 190, 191, 200, 218, 227. Sow Thistle, 26. Snakebird (Water Turkey), 66, 79, 141, 228. Sparrow: — chipping, 234. field, 15, 233, 234. grasshopper ( yellow-winged), 212. pine-wood, 6, 13, 106, 118, 234. savanna, 65, 145. song, 65. white-crowned, 190, 191, 201, 227, 234. white-throated, 153, 191, 227. Spiderwort, 81. St. Peter’s-wort, 27, 28. Strawberry, 173. Swallow: — barn, 222. rough-winged, 218. tree (white - bellied), 8, 65, 124, 145, 147. Swift, chimney, 209. Tanager, summer, 96, 153, 184, 191, 213, 227, 234. Tern, 49, 59, 78. Thorns, 172, 216. Thrasher (Brown Thrush), 17, 64, 168, 191, 218, 229, 232. Thrush: — hermit, 80, 170. Northern water, 80. Louisiana water, 80. Titlark, 38. Titmouse: — Carolina, 21, 97. tufted, 96. Towhee. See Chewink. Turkey, 147, 220, 223. Vaccinium, arboreum, 172. Venus’s Looking-glass (Specularia), 152. Verbena, 81. Violets, 27, 81, 116, 173. Vireo: — red-eyed, 218, 224. solitary, 97, 233. white-eyed, 36, 115, 170, 218, 226. yellow-throated, 191. Virginia creeper, 116. Vulture (Carrion Crow), 40, 134, 191. Warbler: — black-throated green, 21. blue yellow-backed, 96, 124, 147, 218, 224. myrtle (yellow-rumped), 36, 65, 97, 124, 145, 191, 214. palm (yellow redpoll), 65, 81, 145, 191, 218, 227. pine, 4,106, 115, 214, 218, 227, 234. prairie, 81, 97, 124, 234. yellow-throated (Dendroica dominica), 21, 97, 153, 184, 213, 218, 227, 234. Water Lily, 206, 228. Water Thrush: — Louisiana, 80. Northern, 80. Water Turkey (Snakebird), 66, 79, 141, 228. Wood Pewee, 170, 234. Woodpecker: — downy, 4. golden-winged (flicker), 4, 65, 81, 106. ivory-billed, 190, 214. pileated, 25. red-bellied, 106, 169, 227. red-cockaded, 6, 24. red-headed, 177. Wren: — Carolina (mocking), 64, 116, 153, 200, 218, 224, 234. house, 81, 166, 214, 218, 227, 233, 234. long-billed marsh, 38, 100. winter, 17. Yellow Jessamine, 105, 216. Yellow-legs (Totanus flavipes), 181, 191.