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LONG ago, when giants still lived on the earth there dwelt a
man and his wife in a small hut sheltered from the rough winter winds by lofty
mountains which surrounded it. The world would have said they were very poor,
but they thought themselves rich, for they had five handsome, healthy boys who
were the delight of their eyes. There was only a year's difference in age
between each lad and the brother next younger, and they were the best of
comrades and always together. One day the father and mother went to cut grass on a slope
some distance away and left the boys at home. It was a bright, warm morning,
and when the children tired of playing indoors they went out into the little
garden, and their merry shouts were soon heard echoing from the hills.
Presently an old woman, feeble and lame, entered the garden and came toward
them. "Will you kindly give `me a drink of water?" she said in a weak
voice. They stopped their games at once, and the oldest boy ran to
the well while the others helped the old woman to the doorstep where she sat
down to rest. By that time the oldest brother had brought a pitcher of cool,
clear water. "There, granny," said he, "that will refresh you.
It is nice and cold right out of the well." The old dame thanked him heartily, and having quenched her
thirst asked the boys what their names were. They laughed merrily. "We
have no names," they said, "when father and mother want us they just
call, 'Boys!' and we all come at once, and all together do whatever they wish
done." "You are good lads," the old woman said, "and
you have kind hearts. I was nearly dying of thirst and could have gone little
farther without having the water I have just been drinking. You deserve to be rewarded, but all I
can do for you is to give you each a name. The eldest shall be called
Watchwell, the next Holdwell, the next Hitwell, the next Spywell, and the
youngest, Climbwell. May these names, as you grow older, bring you good fortune." ![]() The old woman and the five brothers Years rolled on. The boys had grown into tall young men, and
all this time they had never crossed the rough ridges that walled in their
valley, and they knew of the great world which lay outside only by hearsay. But
now they wanted to go forth from the old home to seek their fortunes. So the
father and mother gave them their blessing and bade them continue to work
together and help each other as they had in the past. Then the young men departed, following the steep track over
the high mountains at first, and afterward going down a fertile valley to the
sea. Sometimes they rested at a farmhouse, sometimes in a village, and they
occasionally got a few days' work, but it was not easy to find permanent
positions where all five could be together. Many a farmer would gladly have
engaged Watchwell and Spywell to guard his flocks, but had no employment for
the remaining brothers. Holdwell and Climbwell might have joined the lads of
the hamlets along the ocean-side in fishing or in sea-bird hunting, but here
again there was no work suited to the other three. Yet they were not discouraged. They had stout hearts and
strong limbs and were sure good fortune awaited them somewhere. So they went on
climbing over lofty heights, fording swift rivers and passing through gloomy
woods with tangled undergrowths of brambles and tall ferns. They would have had
great difficulty in getting through some of the forests had not Hitwell been
there to clear a path for them. At last they came to a vast plain. The sun was setting and
its golden rays lit up the many spires and walls and roofs of a large city.
"This must be the city of the king!" cried Watchwell. "Yes," said Spywell, "look, there is the
royal flag flying on the tower of the palace." They hastened on, and, as the darkness was deepening into
night, they entered the city and went straight to the palace, where they asked
for employment. This request was reported to the king, who came himself to look
at the five stalwart fellows. He was much pleased with their appearance and
told them he would take them into his service if they would agree to remain
through the winter at his court and guard his daughters on the coming Christmas
Eve. "Do not, however, pledge yourselves to stay, until you
learn the nature of the task that lies before you," said he; "for I
have made a vow that the life of the next man who fails in this duty shall be
forfeited. Now listen. Two years ago I had five daughters, but Christmas before
last, my golden-haired Elma disappeared mysteriously in the dead of night.
Search was made in all directions, but no trace of her could be discovered.
Another Christmas Eve came. The princesses' apartments were carefully guarded,
no strangers were admitted, and only old and faithful servants were near them.
Yet when morning came Irene, my second daughter, was nowhere to be found. I am
fearful that a third daughter will be taken this year, and the guard who allows
that to happen shall die. On the other hand, if he prevents this misfortune he
shall marry one of the princesses and be to me as a son. It will be death or
honor. Will you attempt this task or not?" "We will stay and guard the princesses!" they
cried with one voice; "and I," said Watchwell, "will be the one
to forfeit his life if we fail." So they remained at the court and became great favorites
with the king, who began to feel sorry he had imposed sentence of death on the
man who was not equal to the task of defending his daughters from the unknown
foe. In order to do all he possibly could to make them safe he had an addition
built on to the palace in the shape of a big, thick-walled tower. Its only
windows were very high up where were two small rooms. In one of these rooms the
princesses were to sleep on Christmas Eve, and the other was to be occupied by
their guardians. At last the time came, and the king brought his three
daughters to the tower where he kissed them goodnight and they lay down
together on a broad, silk-covered couch. As he went away he double-locked the
great iron door that led to the rest of the palace. In the adjoining
ante-chamber sat the five brothers on a rough bench. They would at once be
aware of any intruder, for a lamp was left burning in the apartment where the
princesses were sleeping, and the door between the two rooms was wide open. It had been a day of merrymaking with a feast and a ball in
the evening, and the brothers were more than commonly tired. Soon the four
younger ones were fast asleep, but Watchwell fought off the drowsiness, and,
wrapping his long cloak about him, rose and stood leaning against the wall. He
never took his eyes off from the next room. All was still. The hours passed on.
But what was that? He thought he heard a sound of heavy footfalls outside. Then
the window of the princesses' room was opened and he saw a monstrous hand
stretch in gropingly toward the couch on which the king's daughters lay asleep. Watchwell touched his brothers. In an instant they were
awake and rushed into the adjoining chamber. Holdwell grasped the giant's hand
and clung to it long enough to allow Hitwell to give the wrist a terrible blow
with his sword. There was a wild cry of pain and baffled anger outside, and the
brothers, looking forth, saw a fearful giant striding rapidly away from the
palace. The noise brought the king, who unlocked the iron door, and
the brothers immediately started in pursuit of the monster. 'When he observed
them following, he increased his speed and was soon out of sight. However,
Spywell's keen eyes never failed to detect his footsteps. They continued on the
trail till they came to the foot of a mountain so steep that it seemed
impossible to scale it. But Climbwell, after glancing about a few moments, made
a bold spring to a tiny ledge he had noticed and began to clamber upward. He
made not a single false step and kept on to the summit of the cliffs. Then he
lowered a silken rope he always carried, and, one after another, drew up his
brothers. Morning had now come, and when the brothers had gone on a
little farther they found an enormous cavern, and they could hear someone
groaning and grumbling within. "That is the giant," said Watchwell,
and he threw a stone and shouted, "Come out of there, you thieving
monster!" The giant looked forth, and when he saw the five young men
he scowled with anger, "Say your prayers," said he, "for you
shall never leave this mountain alive." He picked up a great club and dashed out at them, but they
eluded him, and as his right hand was wounded he could only use his club
clumsily, and the brothers soon killed him. They thought the cavern might contain some hidden treasure,
and they went inside and lighting some torches at a fire that was burning
there, began exploring. But it seemed a barren sort of place, and they were
about to leave when Spywell observed a small door cunningly let into the rock.
They speedily broke it open and went into a second cavern, where to their
delight they found the lost princesses Elma and Irene. The king's daughters were greatly overjoyed and at once made
ready to return with their deliverers. Spywell and Climbwell discovered an
easier road down the mountain than that by which they had come, and toward
evening they all arrived at the palace. The king at once gave orders to have a
great banquet prepared to celebrate the restoration of his daughters. When the
feast was ready and all who were invited had come, the king rose in the
presence of the assembled nobles and other guests and related the brave manner
in which the brothers had defended the princesses and slain the giant. He ended
by announcing that he had decided to wed his five daughters to the five young
men; "and as Watchwell is the eldest of the brothers, it is right and
fitting that he should reign over this land when I am gone." Never was there so magnificent a wedding. The festivities
lasted a whole month, and the dresses of the princesses were perfect marvels of
gold embroidery and precious stones. The brothers lived long and happily with
their wives, greatly beloved and honored by all the people, and when the old
king died, Watchwell reigned in his stead. |