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LITTLE JACK One night,
in the
beginning of winter, the old man thought he heard the feeble cries and
lamentations of a child. As he was naturally charitable, he arose and
struck a
light, and going out of his cottage, examined on every side. It was not
before he discerned an infant, which had probably been dropped by some
strolling beggar or gipsy. The old man stood amazed at the sight, and
knew not
what to do. ‘Shall I,’ said he, ‘who find it so difficult to live at
encumber myself with the care of an helpless infant, that will not for
years be capable of contributing to its own subsistence? And yet,’
added he,
softening with pity, ‘can I deny assistance to a human being still more
miserable than myself? Will not that Providence which feeds the birds
of the wood
and beasts of the field, and which has promised to bless all that are
kind and
charitable, assist my feeble endeavours? At least, let me give it food
lodging for this night; for, without I receive it into my cottage, the
abandoned wretch must perish with cold before the morning.’ Saying
this, he
took it up in his arms, and perceived it was a fine healthy boy, though
with rags: the little foundling, too, seemed to be sensible of his
and, smiling in his face, stretched out his chubby arms, as if to
embrace his
benefactor. When he had brought it into his hut, he began to be
embarrassed how to procure it food; but, looking at Nan, he recollected
she had just lost her kid, and saw her udder distended with milk; he
called her to him, and presenting the child to the teat, was overjoyed
to find
that it sucked as naturally as if it had really found a mother. The
goat too
seemed to receive pleasure from the efforts of the child, and submitted
opposition to discharge the duties of a nurse. And now the old man
began to
feel an interest in the child, which made him defer some time longer
the taking
measures to be delivered from its care. ‘Who knows,’ said he, ‘but
which has preserved this child in so wonderful a manner, may have
destined it
to something equally wonderful in its future life, and may bless me as
humble agent of its decrees? At least, as he grows bigger, he will be a
pleasure and comfort to me in this lonely cabin, and will assist in
turf for fuel, and cultivating the garden.’ From this time he became
more and
more attached to the little foundling, who in a short time learned to
the old man as a parent, and delighted him with its innocent caresses.
About this
the poor goat which had nursed Jack so faithfully, grew sick and died.
The poor
goat was buried in the old man’s garden, and thither Little Jack would
come, and call upon his poor mammy Nan, and ask her why she had left
him. One
day, as he was thus employed, a lady happened to come by in a carriage,
overheard him before he was aware. Jack ran in an instant to open the
gate, but
the lady stopped, and asked him who he was bemoaning so pitifully, and
upon? Jack answered that it was his poor mammy that was buried in the
The lady thought it very odd to hear of such a burial-place, and
proceeded to question him. ‘How did your mamma get her living?’ said
she. ‘She
used to graze here upon the common all day long,’ said Jack. The lady
was still
more astonished; but the old man came out of his hut, and explained the
affair to her, which surprised her very much. She therefore looked on
Jack with
amazement, admired his brown but animated face, and praised his shape
activity. ‘Will you go with me, little boy?’ said she, ‘and I will take
care of
you, if you behave well.’ ‘No,’ said Jack, ‘I must stay with daddy; he
taken care of me for many years, and now I must take care of him;
otherwise I
should like very well to go with such a sweet good-natured lady.’ The
lady was
not displeased with Jack’s answer, and putting her hand in her pocket,
gave him
half a crown to buy him shoes and stockings, and pursued her journey.
Jack was
not unacquainted with the use of money, as he had been often sent to
the next
village to purchase bread and necessaries; but he was totally
unacquainted with
the use of shoes and stockings, which he had never worn in his life, or
the want of. The next day, however, the old man bade him run to town,
and lay
his money out as the lady had desired; for he had too much honour to
think of
disobeying her commands, or suffer it to be expended for any other
purpose. It
was not long before Jack returned; but the old man was much surprised
to see
him come back as bare as he went out. ‘Heigh, Jack!’ said he, ‘where
are the
shoes and stockings which you were to purchase?’ — ‘Daddy,’ answered
Jack, ‘I
went to the shop, and tried a pair for sport, but found them so
that I could not walk, and I would not wear such things, even if the
lady would
give me another half a crown for doing it; so I laid my money out in a
jacket for you, because the winter is coming on, and you seem to be
more afraid
of the cold than formerly.’ Many such instances of good conduct did
display; by which it is easy to perceive that he had an excellent soul
generous temper. One failing, indeed, Jack was liable to; though a very
good-natured boy, he was a little too jealous of his honour. His daddy
taught him the use of his hands and legs; and Jack had such
dispositions for
the art of boxing, that he could beat every boy in the neighbourhood.
of his
age and size. Even if they were a head taller, it made no difference to
provided they said any thing to wound his honour; for otherwise he was
the most
mild, pacific creature in the world.
happened one day
that a large company of gentlemen and ladies were introduced to see the
The master attended them, and explained with great politeness every
part of his
manufacture. Whilst they were busy in examining the different
processes, they
were alarmed by a sudden noise of discord, which broke out on the other
side of
the building; and the master inquiring into the cause, was told that it
only Little Jack, who was fighting with Tom the Collier. At this the
cried out in a passion, ‘there is no peace to be expected in
the furnace, while
that little rascal is employed; send him to me, and I will instantly
him.’ At this moment Jack appeared, all covered with blood
and dirt, and stood
before his angry judge in a modest but resolute posture. ‘Is
this the reward,’
said his master, ‘you little audacious vagabond, for all my
kindness? Can you
never refrain a single instant from broils and fighting? but I am
determined to
bear it no longer: and therefore you shall never from this hour, do a
stroke of work for me.’ —
‘Sir,’ replied Jack with great humility, but yet
firmness, ‘I am extremely sorry to have disobliged you, nor
have I ever done it
willingly since I have been here; and if the other boys would only mind
work as well as I do, and not molest me, you would not have been
offended now;
for I defy them all to say, that since I have been in the house I have
given any one the least provocation, or ever refused, to the utmost of
strength, to do whatever I have been ordered.’ —
‘That’s true, indeed, (said
the foreman;) I must do Little Jack the justice to say, that there is
not a
more honest, sober, and industrious lad about the place. Set him to do
what you
will, he never skulks, never grumbles, never slights his work; and, if
it were
not for a little passion and fighting, I don’t believe there
would be his
fellow in England.’ — ‘Well,’
said the master, a little mollified, ‘but what is
the cause of all this sudden disturbance?’ —
‘Sir,’ answered Jack, ‘it is Tom
that has been abusing me, telling me that my father was a beggar-man
and my
mother a nanny-goat; and when I desired him to be quiet, he went baaing
about the house: and this I could not bear, for as to my poor father he
was an
honest soldier, and if I did suck a goat, she was the best creature in
world; and I won’t hear her abused while I have strength in
my body.’ At this
the whole audience were scarcely able to refrain from laughing, and the
with more composure, told Jack to mind his business, and threatened the
boys with punishment if they disturbed him. But a lady who was in
seemed particularly interested about little Jack, and when she had
heard his
story, said, ‘this must certainly be the little boy who opened a gate
years past for me upon Morcot Moor; I remember being struck with his
appearance, and hearing him lament the loss of the goat that nursed
him. I was
very much affected with his history; and since he deserves so good a
if you will part with him, I will instantly take him into my service.’
master replied, that he should part with him with great satisfaction to
such an
excellent mistress; that indeed the boy deserved all the commendations
had been given, but since the other lads had such a habit of plaguing,
and Jack
was of so impatient a temper, he despaired of ever composing their
Jack was then called, and informed of the lady’s offer, which he
accepted with the greatest readiness, and received immediate directions
to her
house. Jack was now in a new sphere of life. His face was washed, his
combed, he was clothed afresh, and appeared a very smart active lad.
business was, to help in the stable, to water the horses, to clean
shoes, to
perform errands, and to do all the jobs of the family; and in the
discharge of
these services, he soon gave general satisfaction. He was indefatigable
doing what he was ordered, never grumbled, or appeared out of temper,
seemed so quiet and inoffensive in his manner, that everybody wondered
how he
had acquired the character of being quarrelsome. In a short time he
became both
the favourite and the drudge of the whole family; for speak but kindly
to him,
and call him a little soldier, and Jack was at every one’s disposal.
This was
Jack’s particular foible and vanity; at his leisure hours he would
himself, by the hour together, in poising a dungfork, charging with a
broomstick, and standing sentry at the stable-door. Another propensity
Jack’s which now discovered itself, was an immoderate love of horses.
Jack was
never tired with rubbing down and currying them; the coachman had
scarcely any
business but to sit upon his box: all the operations of the stable were
intrusted to Little Jack, nor was it ever known that he neglected a
particular. But what gave him more pleasure than all the rest, was
sometimes to
accompany his mistress upon a little horse, which he managed with
dexterity. Jack, too,
discovered a great disposition for all the useful and mechanic arts. He
served an apprenticeship already to the manufactory of iron, and of
this he was
almost as vain as being a soldier. As he began to extend his knowledge
of the
world, he saw that nothing could be done without iron. ‘How would you
the ground,’ said Jack; ‘how would you dig your garden; how would you
light a fire, dress a dinner, shoe a horse, or do the least thing in
the world,
if we workmen at the forge did not take the trouble of preparing it for
These ideas naturally gave Jack a great esteem for the profession of a
blacksmith, and in his occasional visits to the forge with the horses,
he learned
to make and fix a shoe as neat as any artist in the country. Nor were
talents confined to the manufacture of iron; his love of horses was so
and his interest in every thing that related to them, that it was not
before he acquired a competent knowledge in the art of saddlery. There
was in
the family where he now lived, a young gentleman, nephew of his
mistress, who
had lost his parents, and was therefore brought up by his aunt. As
Willets was something younger than Jack, and a very good-natured boy,
he soon
began to take notice of him, and be much diverted with his company.
indeed, was not undeserving this attention; for although he could not
boast any
great advantage of education, his conduct was entirely free from all
the vices
to which some of the lower class of people are subject; Jack was never
heard to
swear, or express himself with any indecency. He was civil and
respectful in
his manners to all his superiors, and uniformly good-natured to his
Master Willets had a little horse which Jack looked after: and, not
with looking after him in the best manner, he used to ride him at his
hours with so much care and address, that in a short time he made him
the most
gentle and docile little animal in the country. Jack had acquired this
knowledge, partly from his own experience, and partly from paying
attention to an itinerant riding-master that had lately exhibited
various feats
in that neighbourhood. Jack attended him so closely, and made so good a
use of
his time, that he learned to imitate almost every thing he saw, and
used to
divert the servants and his young master with acting the tailor’s
riding to
Brentford. The young
had a master who used to come three times a week to teach him
writing, and geography. Jack used to be sometimes in the room while the
were given, and listened according to custom, with so much attention to
that passed, that he received very considerable advantage for his own
improvement. He had now a little money, and he laid some of it out to
pens and paper and a slate, with which at night he used to imitate
every thing
he had heard and seen in the day; and his little master, who began to
love him
very sincerely, when he saw him so desirous of improvement, contrived
under one
pretence or other to have him generally in the room while he was
instruction himself. In this manner he went on for some years, leading
a life
very agreeable to himself, and discharging his duty very much to the
satisfaction of his mistress. An unlucky accident at length happened to
interrupt his tranquillity. A young gentleman came down to visit Master
Willets, who having been educated in France, and among genteel people
London, had a very great taste for finery, and a supreme contempt for
all the
vulgar. His dress too was a little particular, as well as his manners;
for he
spent half his time in adjusting his head; wore a large black bag tied
to his
hair behind, and would sometimes strut about for half an hour together
with his
hat under his arm, and a little sword by his side. This young man had a
contempt for all the vulgar, which he did not attempt to conceal, and
when he
had heard the story of Jack’s birth and education, he could scarcely
bear to be
in the same room with him. Jack soon perceived the aversion which the
entertained for him, and at first endeavoured to remove it by every
civility in
his power; but when he found that he gained nothing by all his
humility, his temper,
naturally haughty, took fire, and, as far as he dared, he plainly
showed all
the resentment he felt. It
happened one
day, after Jack had received some very mortifying usage from this young
gentleman, that as he was walking along the road, he met with a
showman, who
was returning from a neighbouring fair, with some wild beasts in a
cart. Among
the rest was a middle-sized monkey, who was not under cover like the
rest, and
played so many antic tricks, and made so many laughable grimaces, as
all Jack’s attention, and delighted him very much; for he had always a
propensity for every species of drollery. After a variety of questions
conversation, the show-man, who probably wanted to be rid of his
proposed to Jack to sell him for half a crown. Jack could not resist
temptation of being master of such a droll diverting animal, and
agreed to the bargain. But when he was left alone with his purchase, he
began to repent his haste, and knew not how to dispose of him. As there
however, no other remedy, Jack brought him carefully home, and confined
safe in an outhouse, which was not applied to any use. In this
situation he
kept him several days, without accident, and frequently visited him at
leisure hours, with apples, nuts, and such other presents as he could
Among other tricks which the monkey had been taught to perform, he
would rise
upon his hind legs at the word of command, and bow with the greatest
to the company. Jack who had found out these accomplishments in his
could not resist the impulse of making them subservient to his
resentment. He
therefore one day procured some flour, with which he powdered his
head, fixed a large paper bag to his neck, put an old hat under his
arm, and
tied a large iron skewer to his side, instead of a sword; and thus
led him about with infinite satisfaction, calling him Monsieur, and
such broken French as he had picked up from the conversation of the
visitor. It
happened very unluckily that the young gentleman himself passed by, and
instantly saw at one glance the intended copy of himself, and all the
malice of
Little Jack, who was leading him along and calling to him to hold up
his head
and look like a person of fashion. Rage instantly took possession of
his mind,
and drawing his sword, which he happened to have on, he without
ran the poor monkey through with a sudden thrust, and laid him dead
upon the
ground. What more he might have done is uncertain, for Jack who was not
of a
temper to see calmly such an outrage committed upon an animal whom he
considered as his friend, flew upon him like a fury, and wrestling the
out of his hand, broke it into twenty pieces. The young gentleman
received a fall in the scuffle, which, though it did him no material
daubed all his clothes, and totally spoiled the whole arrangement of
his dress.
At this instant, the lady herself, who had heard the noise, came down,
and the
violence of poor Jack was too apparent to be excused. Jack, indeed, was
submissive to his mistress, whom he was sorry to have offended, but
when he was
ordered to make concessions to the young gentleman, as the only
conditions upon
which he could be kept in the family, he absolutely refused. He owned,
that he was much to blame for resenting the provocations he had
received, and
endeavouring to make his mistress’s company ridiculous; but as to what
he had
done in defence of his friend the monkey, there were no possible
which could convince him he was the least to blame, nor would he have
submission to the king himself. This unfortunate obstinacy of Jack’s
was the
occasion of his being discharged, very much to the regret of the lady
and still more to that of Master Willetts. Jack therefore packed up his
in a little bundle, shook all his fellow-servants by the hand, took an
affectionate leave of his kind master, and once more sallied out upon
travels. He had not
far before he came to a town, where a party of soldiers were beating up
volunteers. Jack mingled with the crowd that surrounded the recruiting
serjeant, and listened with pleasure to the pleasing and
heart-enlivening sound
of the fifes and drums; nor could he help mechanically holding up his
head, and
stepping forward with an air that showed the trade was not entirely new
to him.
The serjeant soon took notice of these gestures, and seeing him a
likely lad, came up to him, clapped him upon the back, and asked him if
would enlist. ‘You are a brave boy,’ said he, ‘I can see it in your
looks: come
along with us, and I don’t doubt in a few weeks you’ll be as complete a
as those who have been in the army for years.’ Jack made no answer to
this, but
by instantly poising his stick, cocking his hat fiercely, and going
through the
whole manual exercise. ‘Prodigious, indeed!’ cried the serjeant; ‘I see
have been in the army already, and can eat fire as well as any of us.
But come
with us, my brave lad; you shall live well, have little to do, but now
and then
fight for your king and country, as every gentleman ought; and in a
short time
I don’t doubt but I shall see you a captain, or some great man, rolling
wealth which you have got out of the spoils of your enemies.’ — ‘No,’
said Jack:
‘captain! that will never do; — no tricks upon travellers; — I know
better what
I have to expect, if I enlist, — I must lie hard, live hard, expose my
life and
limbs every hour of the day, and be soundly cudgelled every now and
then into
the bargain.’ — ‘O, ho!’ cried the serjeant, ‘where did the young dog
pick up
all this? He is enough to make a whole company desert.’ — ‘No,’ said
‘they shall never desert through me, for, though I know this, as I am
present out of employment, and have a great respect for the amiable
of a gentleman soldier, I will enlist directly in your regiment.’ — ‘A
fellow, indeed,’ said the serjeant: ‘here, my lad, — here is your money
your cockade;’ both of which he directly presented, for fear his
recruit should
change his mind, and thus in a moment little Jack became a soldier. He had
time to feel himself easy in his new accoutrements, before he was
embarked for
India in the character of a marine. This kind of life was entirely new
to Jack;
however, his usual activity and spirit of observation did not desert
him here;
and he had not been embarked many weeks, before he was perfectly
with all the duties of a sailor, and in that respect equal to most on
board. It
happened that the ship in which he sailed touched at the Cormo islands,
order to take in wood and water; these are some little islands near the
of Africa, inhabited by blacks. Jack often went on shore with the
attending them on shooting parties, to carry their powder and shot, and
game they killed. All this country consists of very lofty hills,
covered with
trees and shrubs of various kinds, which never lose their leaves, from
perpetual warmth of the climate. Through these it is frequently
difficult to
force a way, and the hills themselves abound in precipices. It happened
one of the officers whom Jack was attending upon a shooting party, took
aim at
some great bird, and brought it down; but as it fell into a deep
valley, over
some rocks which it was impossible to descend, they despaired of
gaining their
prey. Jack immediately, with officious haste, set off and ran down the
level side of the hill, thinking to make a circuit, and reach the
valley into
which the bird had fallen. He set off, therefore, but as he was totally
ignorant of the country, he in a short time buried himself so deep in
the wood,
which grew continually thicker, that he knew not which way to proceed.
He then
thought it most prudent to return; but this he found as difficult to
effect as
the other. He therefore wandered about the woods with inconceivable
all day, but could never find his company, nor even reach the shore, or
a prospect of the sea. At length night approached, and Jack, who
conceived it
to be impossible to do that in the dark, which he had not been able to
in the light, lay down under a rock, and composed himself to rest, as
well as
he was able. The next day he arose with the light, and once more
attempted to
regain the shore; but unfortunately he had totally lost all idea of the
direction he ought to pursue, and saw nothing around him but the dismal
prospect of woods, hills, and precipices, without a guide or path. Jack
began to be very hungry; but as he had a fowling-piece with him, and
powder and
shot, he soon procured himself a dinner; and kindling a fire with some
leaves and sticks, he roasted his game upon the embers, and dined as
comfortably as he could be expected to do in so forlorn a situation.
himself refreshed, he pursued his journey, but with as little success
as ever.
On the third day he indeed came in sight of the sea, but found that he
quite on a different side of the island from that where he had left the
and that neither ship nor boat was to be seen. Jack now lost all hopes
rejoining his comrades, for he knew that the ship was to sail at
farthest on
the third day, and would not wait for him. He therefore set himself to
a lodging for the night. He had not examined far before he found a dry
in a rock, which he thought would prove a very comfortable residence.
The next
day Jack arose, a little melancholy, indeed, but with a resolution to
manfully with the difficulties of his situation. He walked into the
woods, and
saw several kinds of fruit and berries, some of which he ventured to
eat, as
the birds had pecked them, and found the taste agreeable. In this
manner did
Jack lead a kind of savage, but tolerably contented life, for several
months, during
which time he enjoyed perfect health, and was never discovered by any
of the
natives. He used several times a day to visit the shore, in hopes that
ship might pass that way, and deliver him from his solitary
imprisonment. This
at length happened, by the boat of an English ship, that was sailing to
happening to touch upon the coast: Jack instantly hailed the crew, and
officer, upon hearing his story, agreed to receive him; the captain,
too, when
he found that Jack was by no means a contemptible sailor, very
willingly gave
him his passage, and promised him a gratuity besides, if he behaved
well. Jack
arrived in
India without any accident, and relating his story, was permitted to
serve in
another regiment, as his own was no longer there. He soon distinguished
by his courage, and good behaviour on several occasions, and before
long, was
advanced to the rank of a serjeant. In this capacity, he was ordered
out upon
an expedition into the remote parts of the country. The little army in
which he
served now marched on for several weeks, through a burning climate, and
in want
of all the necessaries of life. At length, they entered upon some
plains which bordered upon the celebrated country of the Tartars. Jack
perfectly well acquainted with the history of this people, and their
method of
fighting. He knew them to be some of the best horsemen in the world:
indefatigable in their attacks, though often repulsed, returning to the
and not to be invaded with impunity; he therefore took the liberty of
to some of the officers, that nothing could be more dangerous than
their rashly
engaging themselves in those extensive plains, where they were every
exposed to the attacks of cavalry without any successful method of
defence, or
place of retreat, in case of any misfortune. These remonstrances were
not much
attended to, and after a few hours’ farther march, they were alarmed by
approach of a considerable body of Tartar horsemen. They, however, drew
up with
all the order they were able, and firing several successive vollies,
endeavoured to keep the enemy at a distance. But the Tartars had no
design of
doing that with a considerable loss, which they were sure of doing with
and safety. Instead therefore of charging the Europeans, they contented
themselves with giving continual alarms, and menacing them on every
without exposing themselves to any considerable danger. The army now
to retreat, hoping that they should be able to arrive at the
mountains, where they would be safe from the incursions of the horse.
But in
this attempt they were equally disappointed: for another considerable
body of
the enemy appeared on that side, and blocked their passage. The
Europeans now
found they were surrounded on all sides, and that resistance was vain.
commanding officer, therefore, judged it expedient to try what could be
effected by negotiation, and sent one of his officers, who understood
of the Tartar language, to treat with the general of the enemy. The
chief received the Europeans with great civility, and after having
reproached them with their ambition, in coming so far to invade a
people who
had never injured them, he consented upon very moderate conditions to
their enlargement;
but he insisted upon having their arms delivered up, excepting a very
few which
he permitted them to keep for defence in their return, and upon
retaining a
certain number of Europeans as hostages for the performance of the
articles. Among those who were thus left with the Tartars, Jack
happened to be
included, and while all the rest seemed inconsolable at being thus made
prisoners by a barbarous nation, he alone, accustomed to all the
of life, retained his cheerfulness, and prepared to meet every reverse
fortune with his usual firmness. It
happened that a
favourite horse of the chief’s was taken with a violent fever, and
seemed to be
in immediate danger of death. j he Khan, for so he is called among the
seeing his horse grow hourly worse, at length applied to the Europeans,
to know
if they could suggest any thing for his recovery. All the officers were
profoundly ignorant of farriery: but when the application was made to
Jack, he
desired to see the horse, and with great gravity began to feel his
pulse, by
passing his hand within the animal’s foreleg; which gave the Tartars a
high idea of his ingenuity. Finding the animal was in a high fever, he
to let him blood, which he had learned to do very dexterously in
England; and
having by great good luck a lancet with him, he immediately let him
blood in
the neck. After this operation he covered him up, and gave him a warm
made out of such ingredients as he could procure upon the spot, and
left him quiet.
In a few hours the horse began to mend, and, to the great joy of the
perfectly recovered in a few days. This cure, so opportunely performed,
the reputation of Jack so high, that every body came to consult him
about their
horses, and in a short time he was the universal farrier of the tribe.
The Khan
himself conceived so great an affection for him, that he gave him an
horse to ride upon and attend him in his hunting parties; and Jack, who
excelled in the art of horsemanship, managed him so well as to gain the
of the whole nation. The
Tartars, though
they are excellent horsemen, have no idea of managing their horses,
unless by
violence: but Jack, in a short time, by continual care and attention,
made his
horse so docile and obedient to every motion of his hand and leg, that
Tartars themselves would gaze upon him with admiration, and allow
themselves to
be outdone. Not contented with this, he procured some iron, and made
his horse
shoes in the European taste: this also was a matter of astonishment to
all the
Tartars, who are accustomed to ride their horses unshod. He next
observed that
the Tartar saddles are all prodigiously large and cumbersome, raising
horseman to a great distance from the back of the horse. Jack set
himself to
work, and was not long before he had completed something like an
hunting saddle, on which he paraded before the Khan. All mankind have a
passion for novelty, and the Khan was so delighted with this effort of
ingenuity, that, after paying him the highest compliments, he intimated
desire of having such a saddle for himself. Jack was the most obliging
in the world, and spared no labour to serve his friends: he went to
work again,
and in a short time completed a saddle still more elegant for the Khan.
exertions gained him the favour and esteem both of the Khan and all the
so that Jack was an universal favourite, and loaded with presents,
while the
rest of the officers, who had never learned to make a saddle or an
were treated with contempt and indifference. And now an
ambassador arrived from the English settlements, with an account that
all the
conditions of the treaty had been performed, and demanding the
restitution of
the prisoners. The Tartar chief was too much of a man of honour to
think of
delaying an instant, and they were all restored; but before they set
out Jack
laboured with indefatigable zeal to finish a couple of saddles, and a
dozen of
horse-shoes, which he presented to the Khan, with many expressions of
gratitude. The Khan was charmed with this proof of his affection, and
in return
made him a present of a couple of fine horses, and several valuable
skins of
beasts. Jack arrived without any accident at the English settlements,
and selling
his skins and horses, found himself in possession of a moderate sum of
money. He now began to have a desire to return to England, and one of the officers who had often been obliged to him during his captivity, procured him a discharge. He embarked, therefore, with all his property, on board a ship, and in a few months was safely landed at Plymouth. But Jack was too active and too prudent to give himself up to idleness. After considering various schemes of business, he determined to take up his old trade of forging; and for that purpose made a journey into the north, and found his old master alive, and as active as ever. His master, who had always entertained an esteem for Jack, welcomed him with great affection, and being in want of a foreman, he engaged him. Jack was now indefatigable in his new office: inflexibly honest, where the interest of his master was concerned, and at the same time humane and obliging to the men who were under him. In a few years his master was so thoroughly convinced of his merit, that, growing old himself, he took Jack into partnership, and committed the management of the whole business to his care. He continued to exert the same qualities now which he had done before, by which means he improved the business so much, as to gain a considerable fortune, and became one of the most respectable manufacturers in the country. But, with all this prosperity, he never discovered the least pride or haughtiness; on the contrary, he employed part of his fortune to purchase the moor where he had formerly lived, and built himself a small but convenient house upon the very spot where his daddy’s hut had formerly stood. To all his poor neighbours he was kind and liberal, relieving them in their distress, and often entertaining them at his house. where he used to dine with them. with the greatest affability; and frequently relate his own story, in order to prove that it is of very little consequence how a man comes into the world, provided he behaves well and discharges his duty when he is in it. |