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“1775 belongs to
Massachusetts, — Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill.” An analysis of this
address reveals in Mr. Webster a great historical art-painter, and a net
unprofitable exercise might be suggested by the teacher in reproducing it as an
historical painting of a memorable battle scene. The contest is thus
described by a lineal descendant of General Warren. “The re-enforcements moving
over the water; the fire of the floating batteries and ships of war; the flames
from three hundred houses in Charlestown; the ascent of the British troops,
pausing from time to time as their artillery played upon the American works;
the coolness and intrepidity with which that fire was sustained by our
countrymen, and the fatal precision with which they returned it; the broken and
recoiling lines of enemy; the final retreat of the gallant band who had
withstood them; the tens of thousands looking on from the housetops, steeples,
and hills of Boston and all the neighboring country, and beholding with
conflicting emotions the awful struggle in their view. It would, perhaps, be
difficult to select in history an event more entitled to celebration by the
character of the exploits, its great national effects, its astonishing
grandeur, and its affecting incidents.” An Association
called the Bunker Hill Monument Association, was formed in 1823, with the
object to erect at Bunker Hill some lasting monument of the history, valor, and
glory of June 17, 1775. Daniel Webster was the second President of this
Association.1 During the three periods of its history, from the
laying of the Corner-Stone to the completion of this first “Pillar of the
Republic,” there were connected with it the names of many of the most famous
Americans of the first half of the century. As three great
names, Warren, Prescott, Putnam, are forever connected with the historic
battle-ground, so are three with this granite record: Horatio Greenough the
famous American sculptor, whose model was essentially adopted, Loammi Baldwin,
who calculated the proportions, and Solomon Willard who was architect and
superintendent of the work. It is scarcely less interesting to note that during
nearly a score of years, in the three periods of construction, total-abstinence
men were invariably employed by the architect, who refused to have completed by
those whom he deemed America’s curse, what had been begun by those who were her
salvation. It is also worthy
of remembrance that but for the co-operation of the women of Boston, led by
Mrs. Sarah Josepha Hale, it would have been left to our own generation to have
placed the topmost stone, and to another than the orator who laid its
Corner-Stone, to have heard the prophetic echo distinctly given back by the
monument on that second2 festal day, as it gratulated itself with
its own completion.3 NOTES. — Bunker Hill Monument, in 1850, was made to contribute to the interests of science, by Professors Eben Norton Horsford, and William C. Bond, of Harvard University, who successfully demonstrated there the diurnal rotation of the Earth on its axis, by the famous pendulum experiment. The ball used for this experiment was one of the ill-spent balls of the British. The American Flag
was displayed from the summit of Bunker Hill Monument with great ceremony for
the first time, June 17, 1861. Colonel Fletcher Webster, son of Daniel Webster,
who was present as a child at the laying of the Stone, made the speech. 1 The first President was Gov. John
Brooks, a “participant in the Battle of Bunker Hill.” 2 In the Charlestown City Library may
be found a full length painting of Mr. Webster, represented as delivering this
second address, and at the point 3 A distinct echo of “Over the globe”
was given back by the monument, as Mr. Webster in his second oration uttered
the words which referred to the foundation principles of the government: “ I
would that the fifty thousand voices present could proclaim it with a shout
which should be heard over the globe.” The applause that followed was as
deafening as the battle itself. LINE 1. Delegations from all the New England States, most of the Middle States, and some of the Southern States, were present. So long was the procession, that when the vanguard of the line had reached Charlestown Square, the rear had not left Boston Common. 10,
11. Within a
radius of ten miles, it is interesting to note that there are no less than ten
places of historic interest. 15-20. Cf. Shakespeare’s King Henry the
Fifth, Act. IV., Scene III., lines 56-67. “This story shall
the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by, From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered; We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother: be he ne’er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition; And gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accursed they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.” 38. Recent historical investigations
might make the orator of to-day modify this epithet as applied to “Columbus.” For a vivid and
interesting enlargement of this description, see Washington Irving’s
“Columbus.” 59-65. The most important early
settlements were those of Virginia Colony, on the James River, 1607; Plymouth
Colony, 1620; and Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1628. 83-85.
Corner-Stone of the Monument was laid on the occasion of the fiftieth
anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill. 85-88. The Stone was laid with Masonic
ceremonies, in which Lafayette assisted the Masonic officers. The other
“solemnities” were a prayer by the Rev. Joseph Thaxter, who, as chaplain of
Colonel Prescott’s regiment, half a century before, had stood on the same hill
to pray for the detachment, and for the success of the battle; and an ode by
Rev. John Pierpont. 94-96. There are deposited in the
Corner-Stone, five different accounts of the Battle of Bunker Hill, a plan of
the battle and of Charlestown, an address and letter connected with Bunker Hill
Monument Association, a copy of Edward Everett’s oration on the Battle of
Lexington, a copy of the “ Life of Josiah Quincy,” specimens of Continental
currency, coins and medals of the United States, a fragment of Plymouth -Rock,
and a copy of each of the Boston newspapers printed during the week of the
celebration. 96-98. The height of Bunker Hill Monument
is two hundred and twenty feet. 129-130. Mr. Webster doubtless emphasized
the word “great” to distinguish this event from Lexington and Ticonderoga. 137-141.
A wish which
was a prophecy fulfilled during the years of the Civil War, 1861-1865. 145-148.
A poetical
expression not justified by fact. The first object seen in approaching Boston
is the State House Dome. 152-193.
The student
will find an interesting comparison between the record of the succeeding years,
i.e., from 1825 to the present day. For example, the present number of States
is forty-two; the twelve- millions of people have been augmented to sixty-five
millions; the country, which had extended itself to the Ohio and Mississippi,
is now settled from ocean to ocean; the railroad which the erection of Bunker
Hill Monument caused to be first constructed in the United States, is a network
over the entire country; while the telegraphic and other electric systems have
been both invented and applied. Add to these the Civil War; the abolishment of
Slavery; the measures undertaken toward the citizenship of the Indian; the
partial enfranchisement of women; the erection of new colleges, especially
those for women; the countless political, philanthropic, and social
institutions of America; — and Webster’s epitome becomes in turn, “a faint
abstract.” A broader and equally interesting comparison may also be made between Webster’s summary and a present review of foreign affairs. It is needless to add that lines 177-182 have reference to the French Revolution and the career of Napoleon, the succeeding lines to the South American Republics. 199-204.
As the
result of careful effort on the part of the committee, and a provision for
their travelling expenses by the State, nearly two hundred Revolutionary
soldiers, forty of whom were in the Battle of Bunker Hill, were present. 205,
206. It is
amusing to note in the Memorials of Daniel Webster, that this oft-quoted
passage, “Venerable men! you have come down to us from a former generation,” is
associated with a trivial experience of a fishing excursion of the day before. Vide Memorials of Daniel Webster. 215,
216. Next to
the death of Joseph Warren, the firing of Charlestown was considered the most
tragic event of the historic week. 241-243. Colonel Wm. Prescott,1
with a detachment of one thousand men, commanded and defended the fort; Gen.
Israel Putnam re-enforced Prescott with the Connecticut troops of five hundred
men, and with Pomeroy held the centre; Col. John Stark, who declared that there
was no commander of the American troops on that hard-fought day, became
afterward Brigadier-General of the Revolutionary Army; John Brooks became the
Governor of Massachusetts; Colonel Read commanded Charlestown Neck; Colonel
Bridge was severely wounded. 254,
Milton’s “Paradise Lost,” Book V., lines 310, 311. 256-275. Joseph Warren, the hero martyr of
the Battle of Bunker Hill, was a graduate of Harvard University, a
distinguished physician, and a natural leader, whose combined patriotism and
wisdom prophesied at the outset his promotion. He had already been elected
President of the Provincial Congress, had contributed to the success of Lexington,
and had been made a Major-General by Congress on the 17th of June, 1775. His
fine culture and exquisite beauty of character, joined to his true heroism,
made him the first distinguished loss in the Revolutionary War. Battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778. Battle of Yorktown, Oct. 10, 1781. Battle of Camden, Aug. 6, 1780. Battle of Bennington, Aug. 16, 1777. Battle of Saratoga, Oct. 7, 1777. 322-324. The Boston Port Bill, 1774, closed that port to all commerce, and transferred the seat of Colonial Government to Salem, who rejected with scorn this opportunity for promotion at the expense of her old neighbor. 363-365. The first Continental Congress met
in Philadelphia in September, 1774. At this Congress fifty-one delegates were
present, and every colony was represented except Georgia. 379.
April 19, 1775, gave the first eight men to the cause of Liberty in the
Revolutionary war. 384,
Virgil’s “Æneid,” Book VI., lines 725, 726. “Totamque
infusa per artus
Mens agitat molem, et magno se corpore miscet.” “One soul is shed through all, That quickeneth all the mass, and with the mighty thing is blent.” William Morris.
396. It was
a grim joke of Franklin, when, at the suggestion of Hancock that they “must all
hang together,” he responded, “ Yes, or we shall all hang separately.” 397,
398. Josiah
Quincy, the orator and patriot, did valiant service to the Revolutionary cause
by political essays and by his legal defence in the trial which attended the
Boston Massacre; he died on a return voyage made in the service of his country,
from England to America, April 17, 1775. 404,
405. The
four New England Colonies were Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, Connecticut,
Rhode Island. 407,
408. An
instance of the threefold form alluded to on page nine. 418-420. The Colonial Congress of
Massachusetts had presented after the Stamp Act of 1765, a petition to King
George III., and a memorial to both Houses of Parliament. William Pitt had
championed the cause of the colonists in England; yet, although the Stamp Act
was repealed, the doctrine of Pitt was formally repudiated by a Declaratory Act,
asserting the power of Parliament over the Colonies in all cases whatsoever. It
was this Act that made their cause known to Europe. 425.
Among the
more important of these Revolutionary state papers are the “ Report of Franklin
before the House of Commons,” 1767; Jonathan Mayhew’s discourse on the “
Righteousness of Rebellion; “ Samuel Adams’s “ Papers on the Rights of the
Colonies ;” James Otis’s “ Letter to a Noble Lord ;” the “Address of Richard
Henry Lee,” adopted by Congress, 1775; “ Patrick Henry’s Speech in the Virginia
Convention,” 1775; Thomas Paine’s “ Separation of Britain and America;” Josiah
Quincy’s Letters; and the Declaration of Independence. 436-438. About fifteen hundred were engaged
on the American side, against twenty-five hundred of the British forces. The
official record reads “Americans: killed, 115; wounded, 305; captured, 30;
total, 450. British: killed, 206; wounded, 828; total, 1,054.” This disparity
of numbers caused Edward Everett rightly to name this battle the “ American Marathon.”
440-445. The Marquis de Lafayette was the
most distinguished foreign guest of this occasion. His name headed the
subscription list for the monument, and such was his enthusiasm for the
enterprise that he wrote, “In all my travels through the country, I have made
Bunker Hill my Polar Star.” And when one reads the magnificent eulogy included
between lines 445 and 493, one is disposed to believe that Webster, too, made
this point the Polar Star of his oratory. 448,
449. The
Marquis de Lafayette offered, not only his services, but a generous portion of
his fortune to the American Colonists. He arrived in the United States in the
spring of 1777, was given the commission of Major-General, was engaged in
several battles of the Revolution, being wounded in one, and remained in the
service until the war was virtually ended. His visit to the United States,
1824-5, was a triumphal progress of a Nation’s guest. His loyalty to the
Republic continued throughout his life, as is evidenced by one of his latest sayings
to Louis Philippe, “ You know that I am a Republican, and that I regard the
Constitution of the United States as the most perfect that ever existed.” 485-487. General Greene was especially the
hero of Eutaw Springs; Gates, of Saratoga; Sullivan, of Brandywine; and
Lincoln, of Charleston. 490. “Serus in coelum redeas.” “Horace,”
Book I., ode II., line 45. “Late may you
return to heaven.” 491-493.
after experiencing many vicissitudes of fortune in his own country, died May
20, 1834. 495-497. The introduction to this second
review of the half- century, savors too much of repetition (vide lines 157-193) to add to the value of
the oration, while the simile of line 505 is rather clumsily carried out. 521-523. A poetic prophecy literally fulfilled
in our own day by the laying of the Atlantic Cable. 510-535. In general, the beauty of Webster’s
paragraphs owes much more to logic than to rhetoric. In this passage he
reverses the case. 547-550. It is worth noting that this
“incredible use of machinery” did not include most of the steam machinery in
use to-day. At this time all our foreign intelligence came to us by way of
sailing- vessels. 559-588. Probably, during the French
Revolution and the Napoleonic dynasty, the nature of government was discussed
as in no other age of the world. Thrones insecure by election or inheritance
had tottered to their fall, while few had remained unshaken. 605-607.
instance of the threefold, compound sentence. 646,
647. A
famous antithetical sentence, frequently quoted in public speeches. 649.
It was the ambition of Louis XIV.
to make France great through an absolute monarchy. His policy is always
referred to as “L’État, c’est
Moi,” “The State, that is Myself!” the
rendering of the English principle of “the divine right of
kings” which Charles
I. expiated on the scaffold. 667,
668. Pope’s
translation of Homer’s “Iliad,” Book XVII., lines 729, 730. “Dispel this cloud,
the light of heaven restore, 685-708. From the capture of Constantinople,
1453, until 1829, Greece was oppressed to the last degree by the Mohammedan
power. Mr. Webster refers to the struggle of 1820-1829, when Marco Bozzaris,
the Leonidas of Modern Greece, had perished at Missolonghi, and when Lord
Byron, in whom both England and America took sad interest, had died in tho same
cause (1824). The temporary defeat that the brave Greeks suffered at this
period, aroused the sympathy of all Europe, and by the aid of foreign allies,
Greek independence was acknowledged by the Turkish Sultan in 1829. 720-723. The Revolution of the Spanish
Colonies began in 1810, and the Republics were established in the following
order: Chili, 1817; Colombia, 1819; La Plata, now Argentine Republic, 1810;
Paraguay, 1810; Peru, 1821. 757. From this point to the end of the
address, note the character of a perfect peroration. 912,
913. John
Quincy Adams was inaugurated March 4, 1825. 917-919. Solon, one of the seven
wise men of Greece who remodelled the Constitution of Athens, 594 B.C. Alfred
the Great, who bears to authentic English history, as Arthur to mythic English
history, the relation of first recorded hero. 1 W. H. Prescott, the historian, was
the grandson of Prescott of Revolutionary fame. |