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SEPTEMBER And sweet it is by lonely meres
HOWITT. September is a much-abused month. Many
people assert that it
is the most unpleasant and unhealthy season of the year. Malarial and muggy though it is, September
scarcely merits
all the evil epithets that are applied to it. The truth is that, after
the torrid
days of the hot weather and the humid heat of the rainy season, the
European is
thoroughly weary of his tropical surroundings, his vitality is at a low
ebb, he
is languid and irritable, thus he complains bitterly of the climate of
September, notwithstanding the fact that it is a distinct improvement
on that
of the two preceding months. In the early part of the month the weather
differs little
from that of July and August. The days are somewhat shorter and the
sun's rays
somewhat less powerful, in consequence the average temperature is
lower. Normally the rains cease in the second half of the month. Then
the sky
resumes the fleckless blueness which characterises it during the
greater part
of the year. The blue of the sky is more pure and more intense in
than at other times, except during breaks in the monsoon, because the
rain has
washed from the atmosphere the myriads of specks of dust that are
suspended in it. The cessation of the rains is followed by
a period of steamy
heat. As the moisture of the air gradually diminishes the temperature
But each September day is shorter than the one before it, and, hour by
the rays of the sun part with some of their power. Towards the end of
the month
the nights are cooler than they have been for some time. At sunset the
smoke begins to hang low in a diaphanous cloud—a sure sign of the approaching cold
weather. The night dews are heavy. In the morning the blades of grass
and the
webs of the spiders are bespangled with pearly dewdrops. Cool zephyrs
greet the
rising sun. At dawn there is, in the last days of the month, a touch of
cold in
the air. The Indian countryside displays a
greenness which is almost
spring-like; not quite spring-like, because the fierce greens induced
by the
monsoon rains are not of the same hues as those of the young leaves of
The foliage is almost entirely free from dust. This fact adds to the
appearance of the landscape. The jhils
and tanks are filled with water, and, being overgrown with luxuriant
vegetation, enhance the beauty of the scene. But, almost immediately
after the
cessation of the rains, the country begins to assume its usual look.
Day by day
the grass loses a little of its greenness. The earth dries up
gradually, and
its surface once more becomes dusty. The dust is carried to the
foliage, on
which it settles, subduing the natural greenery of the leaves. No
sooner do the
rains cease than the rivers begin to fall. By November most of them
will be
sandy wastes in which the insignificant stream is almost lost to view. The mimosas flower in September. Their
yellow spherical
blossoms are rendered pale by contrast with the deep gold hue of the
blooms of
the san (hemp) which now form a
conspicuous feature of the landscape in many districts. The cork trees (Millingtonia hortensis) become
bespangled with hanging clusters of white, long-tubed, star-like
flowers that
give out fragrant perfume at night. The first-fruits of the autumn harvest are
being gathered
in. Acre upon acre of the early-sown rice falls before the sickle. The
threshing-floors once again become the scene of animation. The fallow
are being prepared for the spring crops and the sowing of the grain is
beginning. Throughout the month insect life is as
rich and varied as it
was in July and August. The brain-fever bird and the koel call so
seldom in
September that their cries, when heard, cause surprise. The voice of
the pied
crested-cuckoo no longer falls upon the ear, nor does the song of the
magpie-robin. The green barbets lift up their voices fairly frequently,
but it
is only on rare occasions that their cousins—the coppersmiths—hammer
on their anvils. The pied mynas are far less vociferous than they were
in July
and August. By the end of September the bird chorus
has assumed its
winter form, except that the grey-headed flycatchers have not joined it
numbers. Apart from the sharp notes of the
warblers, the cooing of
the doves, the hooting of the crow-pheasants, the wailing of the kites,
cawing of the crows, the screaming of the green parrots, the chattering
of the
mynas and the seven sisters, the trumpeting of the sarus cranes and the
clamouring of the lapwings, almost the only bird voices commonly heard
those of the fantail flycatcher, the amadavat, the wagtail, the oriole,
roller and the sunbird. The cock sunbirds are singing brilliantly
although they are
still wearing their workaday garments, which are quaker brown save for
purple streak along the median line of the breast and abdomen. Many birds are beginning to moult. They
are casting off worn
feathers and assuming the new ones that will keep them warm during the
winter months. With most birds the new feathers grow as fast as the old
fall out. In a few, however, the process of renewal does not keep pace
that of shedding; the result is that the moulting bird presents a mangy
appearance. The mynas afford conspicuous examples of this; when
moulting their
necks often become almost nude, so that the birds bear some resemblance
miniature vultures. Great changes in the avifauna take place
in September. The yellow-throated sparrows, the koels,
the sunbirds, the
bee-eaters, the red turtle-doves and the majority of the king-crows
leave the
Punjab. From the United Provinces there is a large exodus of
brain-fever birds,
koels, pied crested-cuckoos, paradise flycatchers and Indian orioles.
last are replaced by black-headed orioles in the United Provinces, but
not in
the Punjab. On the other hand, the great autumnal
immigration takes
place throughout the month. Before September is half over the migratory
wagtails begin to appear. Like most birds they travel by night when
They arrive in silence, but on the morning of their coming the observer
fail to notice their cheerful little notes, which, like the hanging of
village smoke, are to be numbered among the signs of the approach of
The three species that visit India in the largest numbers are the white
(Motacilla alba), the masked (M. personata)
and the grey wagtail (M. melanope). In Bengal the first
are largely replaced by the white-faced wagtail (M.
leucopsis). The names "white" and "grey" are
not very happy ones. The white species is a grey bird with a white face
some black on the head and breast; the masked wagtail is very difficult
distinguish from the white species, differing in having less white and
black on the head and face, the white constituting the "mask"; the
grey wagtail has the upper plumage greenish-grey and the lower parts
The three species arrive almost simultaneously, but the experience of
writer is that the grey bird usually comes a day or two before his
cousins. On one of the last ten days of September
the first batch of
Indian redstarts (Ruticilla frontalis)
reaches India. Within twenty days of the coming of these welcome little
it is possible to dispense with punkas. Like the redstarts the rose-finches and
minivets begin to
pour into India towards the end of September. The snipe arrive daily
the month. With the first full moon of September come
the grey quail (Coturnix communis). These, like the
rain-quail, afford good sport with the gun if attracted by call birds
set down
overnight. When the stream of immigrating quail has ceased to flow,
these birds
spread themselves over the well-cropped country. It then becomes
difficult to
obtain a good bag of quail until the time of the spring harvest, when
collect in the crops that are still standing. Thousands of blue-winged teal invade India
in September, but
most of the other species of non-resident duck do not arrive until
October or
even November. Not the least important of the September
arrivals are the
migratory birds of prey. None of the owls seem to migrate. Nor do the
but a large proportion of the diurnal raptores leaves the plains of
India in
the spring. To every migratory species of raptorial
bird, that captures
living quarry, there is a non-migratory counterpart or near relative.
It would
almost seem as if each species were broken up into two clans—a
migratory and a stationary one. Thus, of each of the following pairs of
the first-named is migratory and the other non-migratory: the
steppe-eagle and
the tawny eagle, the large Indian and the common kite, the long-legged
and the
white-eyed buzzard, the sparrow-hawk and the shikra, the peregrine and
lugger falcon, the common and the red-headed merlin, the kestrel and
black-winged kite. It is tempting to formulate the theory
that the raptores are
migratory or the reverse according or not as they prey on birds of
passage, and
that the former migrate merely in order to follow their quarry. Certain
seem to bear out this theory. The peregrine falcon, which feeds largely
ducks, is migratory, while the lugger falcon—a bird not particularly addicted to
in India throughout the year. The necessity of following their favourite
quarry may
account for the migratory habits of some birds of prey, but it does not
to all. Thus, the osprey, which feeds almost exclusively on fish, is
merely a
winter visitor to India. Again, there is the kestrel. This preys on
non-migratory rats and mice, nevertheless it leaves the plains in the
weather and goes to the Himalayas to breed. All the species of birds of
cited above as migratory begin to arrive in the plains of India in
The merlins come only into the Punjab, but most of the other raptores
over the whole of India. The various species of harrier make their
appearance in
September. These are birds that cannot fail to attract attention. They
fly slowly a few feet above the surface of the earth so that they can
suddenly on their quarry. They squat on the ground when resting, but
wings are long and their bodies light, so that they do not need much
Those who shoot duck have occasion often to say hard things of the
marsh-harrier and the peregrine falcon, because these birds are apt to
come as
unbidden guests to the shoot and carry off wounded duck and teal before
the shikari has time to retrieve them. Of the migratory birds of prey the kestrel
is perhaps the
first to arrive; the osprey and the peregrine falcon are among the last. Very few observations of the comings and
the goings of the
various raptorial birds have been recorded; in the present state of our
knowledge it is not possible to compile an accurate table showing the
order in which the various species appear. This is a subject to which
persons who dwell permanently in one place might with advantage direct
attention. As regards nesting operations September is
not a month of
activity. On the 15th the close season for game
birds ends in the
Government forests; and by that date the great majority of them have
reared up
their broods. Grey partridge's eggs, it is true, have been taken in
but as we have seen, grey partridges, like doves and kites, can
scarcely be
said to have a breeding season; they lay eggs whenever it seemeth good
to them. A few belated peafowl may still be found
with eggs, but
these are exceptions. Most of the hens are strutting about proudly,
by their chicks, while the cocks are shedding their trains. Other
species of
which the eggs may be found in the present month are the white-throated
the common and the large grey babblers, and, of course, the various
species of
dove. Before the last day of August all the
young mynas have
emerged from the egg, and throughout the first half of September
numbers of
them are to be seen following their parents and clamouring for food.
Most of
the koels have departed, but some individuals belonging to the rising
generation remind us that they are still with us by emitting sounds
which are
very fair imitations of the "sqwaking" of young crows. Baby koels are as importunate as
professional beggars and
solicit food of every crow that passes by, to the great disgust of all
their foster-parents. The majority of the seven sisters have
done with nursery
duties for a season. Some flocks, however, are still accompanied by
in the shape of young babblers or pied crested-cuckoos. The impedimenta
far more noise than the adult birds. They are always hungry, or at any
always demanding food in squeaky tones. With each squeak the wings are
violently, as if to emphasise the demand. Every member of a flock
appears to
help to feed the young birds irrespective of whose nests these have
been reared
in. Throughout September bayas are to be seen
at their nests,
but, before the month draws to its close, nearly all the broods have
come out
into the great world. The nests will remain until next monsoon, or even
as monuments of sound workmanship. In September numbers of curious brown
birds, heavily barred
with black, make their appearance. These are crow-pheasants that have
from nests hidden away in dense thickets. In a few weeks these birds
will lose
their barred feathers and assume the black plumage and red wings of the
By the end of August most of the night-herons and those of the various
of egrets that have not been killed by the plume-hunters are able to
congratulate themselves on having successfully reared up their broods.
September they lose their nuptial plumes. |